“Due to robotics and automation, our technician jobs are becoming higher paid and higher skilled”- Ron Bracalente, CEO, Bracalente Manufacturing Group

Manufacturing Day event at Bracalente Manufacturing Group. Real People. Real jobs.
Manufacturing Day event at Bracalente Manufacturing Group. Real People. Real jobs.

PMPA member Bracalente Manufacturing Group held their first MFG Day event last week. Students got to see first hand what a career in Precision machining could look like.
The event helped to change the conversation regarding the need for skilled people in advanced manufacturing companies like Bracalente Group.
Bracalente Group’s Trumbauersville, PA  event hosted :

  • 120 9th graders 
  • 20 students  from the local Vo-tech school,
  • 90  students from the new STEM program.

The STEM program is a college preparatory class structure for kids that are interested in Engineering and Tech.
Here is a video from The Intelligencer who reported on MFG Day.
Bracalente Manufacturing Group hosts local students to MFG Day event
PMPA member companies across the U.S. and Canada joined Bracalente in helping to change the conversation regarding options for satisfying well paying technical careers.
What are YOU doing to change the conversation?

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