It’s not every post that I write that I can start with a reference to DOS desktop computing, but in 1990 that was the engine for Henning Software’s Job Estimating Software.

Sony Discman 1990's music
This is how we got our music in 1990 when Henning started writing job shop software.

After successfully creating job estimating software, Henning Software realized it would need to keep expanding their software offerings into a fully developed ERP system in order to grow in the market.
“At the time, most of ERP software available was minicomputer based and priced upwards of $50,000, which was too expensive for smaller shops,” Mrs. Henning says, co-owner of Henning Software. “We thought we could make something better, but we needed more than job estimating software. We needed our software to manage all operational and accounting areas of a manufacturing business.”
In their 25 years in the job shop manufacturing business, the Henning’s and their company have been active participants and supporters of PMPA, especially  through our technical conferences where, as likely as not, they are presenting on IT and leading edge technological developments.
Today, Henning Software’s customer base spans all across the U.S. and Canada. And at PMPA conferences, many of the Henning’s customers will be in attendance. Job shops, contract manufacturers, screw machine shops, tool and die shops, and metal fabricating companies are among the kinds of manufacturing companies that rely on Henning Software for their ERP, Estimating, and Accounting software needs.
For more information about Henning Software and their ERP solutions click here
Article in September issue of Production Machining on Henning Software Long Time Success
How do you remember the 1990's?
How do you remember the 1990’s?

For some PMPA members, 1990 was when they first started managing their shop using Henning Software.
You do remember the 1990’s right?
Discman photo courtesy wikimedia
Fashion photo credit

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