I started a list of the things that I was ‘Thankful for”    (Grammatical correction courtesy of memories of Miss Jerles 7th grade English) for which I was thankful.

It was getting to be a really long multi page list.

And while it started off with health, family, friends etc., it didn’t take long to get to some of my favorite “things.”

How Arrogant!

So here is my reboot of what I’m really thankful for (Sorry Miss Jerles, this is my genuine voice.)

Courtesy of my West Coast Funk Playlist: here’s Tower of Power  performing ‘Doin’ Alright.’


” As long as you’re living

the life that you were given…

as long as you’re able

to put food on the table…

You’re Doin’ Alright.”

What am I thankful for?

Plenty. I’m ‘Doin’ alright.’

Our Precision Machining Industry is ‘Doin’ alright.

 I hope that you are ‘Doin’ alright’ too.

 But I’m a little bit sad that a lot of my fellow Americans aren’t “Doin alright.”

Happy Thanksgiving.

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