Actually, a million thank yous! Thanks to readers like you, SPEAKINGOFPRECISIONBLOG has over 1,000,000 views.
Our first post  was from June 30, 2009 and remains as relevant to day as it did then: 5 Reasons to choose a Career in Precision Machining
We’ve come quite a way since that very first post!
What do you like? 
Our post on The Difference Between Accuracy and Precision Measurement in Your Machine Shop is our most popular with 44,445 views.
Hardness vs. Hardenability- There is a Difference is our second most popular post at 35,780 views.
5 Facts About Manganese in Steel, 7 Causes for Quench Cracking of Steel, and Why Manufacturing is the Right Career Choice- DATA! all came in between 21,000 and 30,000 views each.
Average number of times a post gets seen on PMPASPEAKINGOFPRECISIONBLOG: 1048 times.
1,000,000 is an aspirational number. How many of us get to measure anything that we do in quantities of millions?  (Actually, all of our shops do, they call it “normal production!”)
But as an individual, as someone sharing knowledge and experience- 1,000,000 views;  1,000,000 shares of information; 1,000,000 human to human connections- that is an unexpected and very satisfying validation.
Thank you for spending a small part of your day with me here at my blog.
Together, we’ll continue to make sense of the the issues that make a difference to all of us in North American Manufacturing.
Especially Precision Machining.
Do I believe in the power of social media to help us connect and share?
You bet I do! 1,000,000 times YES!
Tooting Own Horn  photo credit.

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