It’s never good to be unemployed, but the irony of being unemployed on Labor Day is particularly frustrating.

What frustrates me, and many of the small business owners in the precision machining industry that I know, is that there are job openings for people with skills.
Listen for the following from a shop owner in the video link below:
“It is so difficult to find skilled toolmakers and machinists, whether we had an opening or not, we would take them.”
Businesses Struggle To Find Employees
If you have math and problem solving skills, can gain understanding by doing, watching and thinking, and want to have the satisfaction of making things that make a difference on people’s lives- like anti lock brake parts, or medical device components, or critical pieces for “Anything that goes”- I respectfully suggest that you check out the precision machining program at your local community college.

If you do I sincerely believe that you will be celebrating Labor Day differently next year.
To find a Machinist Training Program near you just type in the phrase ” Precision Machining Community Colleges” or “Machinist Training” and the state you live in to get started on your way to celebrating Labor Day next year.
Disclaimer: I have personal experience with a certificate program from Lorain County Community College– I know this pathway works because it worked for me! (I was in Quality Control Program.)