Slips, trips and falls- here are some facts to help you with training for your team.
We are currently working on our analysis of the 2013 Spring Regulatory Agenda which includes an item “Walking Working Surfaces and Personal Fall Protection Systems (Slips Trips and Fall Protection)” shown as Final Rule due for November 2013.
PMPA members will receive a report on each of the agenda items applicable to our industry.
Hope you find this background information helpful in your training.
Via: BOLT Insurance
While we know this company as a supplier of tools to the precision machining industry, what many of us did not know is that over half of their revenues are for “specials-” custom engineered tools not carried in their general catalog.
So with over half their production classified as “specials” their shop faces many of the same demands as we do in our make to order shops.
Here are some views I saw in my 10 hours of shop touring; what don’t you see here that you see in your shops?
(Click on the photos to see full size.)
OK, I’ll give you a more literal view.
What do you not see here, that you see in your own shop?
Tool coating
Tools as Jewels…
In my extensive time on the shop floor I didn’t see any clutter, rags, materials or spills on the floor, dunnage, used inserts.
The difference between what we see in our shops and what we don’t see in this make to order shop is our opportunity to improve.
I saw best practices- at work!
Thanks to the team at Paul Horn GmbH for sharing a glimpse of what best practice in custom manufacturing can look like.
Good housekeeping enables many things in your shop- all good!
Let no one say "all was cleanliness here, until you came..."
I recall when a colleague was given a “battlefield promotion” from inside sales manager to plant manager at a steel plant that was closing. My colleague confided in me by saying, “I don’t know how to run a plant; I don’t know this; I don’t know that.”
My comment to her was simple: “I’ve been to your home. It is a clean and safe place. Think of the mill as your home. Does it meet your standards for safety? Does it meet your standards for housekeeping? If you don’t tolerate dirty laundry on the floor in your home, why would you let your crew put debris or rags on the floor of the shop — your home away from home?” During the period of time that she was plant manager, her plant (despite the stress of imminent closing) had the top safety record, the top on-time performance record and the best crew attitude.
There was no uncertainty in her crew. They knew that she expected an orderly, free-from-trash, no-waste work environment (and lunchroom). That’s how she managed. Along with that came improved safety, attitude and performance. Those are not bad side effects from just focusing on one area. Is housekeeping an area you choose to focus on in 2011? And what do you expect as the side effects of your choice? Original Article: Production Machining Photo credit: Floating Branch Products