Effective August 20, 2012, this standard provides guidance for organizations regarding:
- Occupant Restraints;
- Impaired Driving;
- Distracted Driving;
- Aggressive Driving;
- Journey Management;
- Fatigue;
Operational polices including:
- Driver Qualifications;
- Vehicle Management;
- Incident reporting;
- Business and personal use of vehicles;
- Driver-owned and leased vehicles;
- Rental cars
“This standard gives employers a credible tool that is reflective of best practices. Employers who operate noncommercial fleets can learn from commercial fleet operators on matters of common interest,” ASSE professional member and ANSI/ASSE Z15 committee member Tim Healey, director of safety, at The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. (HSB), said. “After all, common management goals, regardless of who the fleet operator is, should include crash avoidance – and all of the fatalities, injuries, property damage and expenses that result – as well as economical/efficient operation. No employer can afford to have an employee operate under the influence, text, or fall asleep while driving on company business, whether it is in an 80,000 pound tractor trailer or a 3,600 pound sedan.”
If you do not now have a “written motor vehicle safety program that defines organizational requirements, responsibilities and accountabilities for drivers and motor vehicle safety; a written safety policy that includes communicating management’s concern for the health and well-being of drivers throughout the organization; a system of responsibility and accountability in order to ensure effective implementation of a vehicle safety program,” this new ASSE standard can help you implement these best practices.
Compliance comments: “The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he/she has approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards.”
SPEAKINGOFPRECISION SAYS: It is likely that this standard will be come the basis for regulatory enforcement as its best practices are adopted.