The  Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system is supposed to tell employers if an applicant is authorized to work in the United States.
An independent study shows the system has more misses than hits when it comes to fake IDs.

This is what could happen when E-Verify doesn't work.

The Department of Homeland Security commissioned Westat to do the study to determine where the holes are in the system.
According to Westat:  the program often couldn’t confirm whether information workers were presenting was their own.
 “Many unauthorized workers obtain employment by committing identity fraud that cannot be detected by E-Verify.”
They put the inaccuracy rate at 54%:
Westat estimates that, primarily due to identity fraud, approximately half (54 percent with a plausible range of 37 to 64 percent) of unauthorized workers run through E-Verify receive an inaccurate finding of being work authorized.
This  means the system didn’t correctly assess the ID info of illegal workers 54% of the time.
In the Precision Machined Products Industry, our customers demand, and we deliver 100%  On Time and Zero PPM Defects.
Homeland Security’s critical E-Verify program gets a pass on a 54% error rate?
I guess it works great, unless someone gives them false data.
What you can expect: Audits of I-9 forms at employers. How do we know?
Among the improvements DHS plans  is “… funding a special unit to investigate identity fraud.”
Westat report here.
WSJ story here.
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PMPA staff recently reviewed the  Department of Homeland Security’s Chemical Facilities Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) Regulation information posted on the web.

More Exciting Reading From Department of Homeland Security
More Exciting Reading From Department of Homeland Security

We reviewed the Appendix A for materials and chemicals that might be in our shops.
And we gave our members our professional ‘techie’ opinion about this rule based on our knowledge of industry materials and processes. PMPA MEMBERS ONLY CFATS BULLETIN.
This is an example of the kinds of  “Tools You Can Use”  Business Intelligence that  PMPA provides to our members-  identification of and technical assistance with the constant flood of new government regulations.
How do you identify emerging regulations in your company? Who is responsible for identifying applicability and compliance?  Ultimately, we know who the courts would say is responsible…