Incidence rates for injuries and illnesses combined among private industry establishments declined significantly in 2010 for total recordable cases of job transfer and restriction: and for cases of days away from work, job transfer or restriction together remained unchanged from 2009.

So why the high emphasis on enforcement?
While manufacturing was the sole private industry sector to experience an increase in the incidence rate of injuries and illnesses in 2010- the rate for manufacturing rose to 4.4 cases per 100 fulltime workers from 4.3 cases the year earlier– the increase is attributed to a greater decrease in the hours worked compared to the decline in the number of cases reported in the sector.
Interestingly- the BLS’s estimates for public sector (18.4 million state and local government workers) – shows the incidence rate for these public employees to be 5.7 cases per 100 full time workers.
Seems like manufacturing workers are about 29.55% safer by the BLS’s data than government employees are…