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PMPA Welcomes New Membership Director

PMPA is excited to announce the hiring of Harry Centa, Jr., as Director of Membership. Many of you may know Harry from PartnerShip, PMPA’s affinity shipping partner, where he was employed for the last 18 years and rose to senior program manager.  Harry attended many PMPA national meetings over those years representing the PartnerShip affinity partner table

With 25 years of sales and marketing-related experience, and having a good familiarity with PMPA and our membership, we expect he will get up to speed rather quickly.   In addition to membership sales, Harry has also been tasked with managing and growing our affinity partnerships for the benefit of all members.

Harry will officially join the PMPA team on June 3, 2024.  Together, we will work to create a long-term membership plan while carefully tracking all our recruiting efforts in order to present specific and realistic membership goals when our new 3-year strategic plan is constructed in January, 2025.

Please join us in welcoming Harry to PMPA!

Welcome Harry Centa to PMPA!