As shop owners, we tend to think of OSHA as meaning “Enforcement.”
At PMPA’s Management Update Meeting in Arizona last week, Director Michaels reminded us that OSHA also provides Free On-site Safety and Health  Consultation Services for Small Business.

"OSHA provides free and confidential safety and health advice to small and medium sized businesses committed to improving workplace safety and health."
“OSHA provides free and confidential safety and health advice to small and medium sized businesses committed to improving workplace safety and health.”

A consultation visit is a voluntary activity conducted at the request of an employer.

The employer’s only obligation is to correct any “serious,” unsafe or unhealthful working conditions discovered by the consultant within a reasonable timeframe.

Consultants will NOT issue citations or propose penalties for violations of OSHA standards. 

6 Reasons for you to consider a voluntary consultation

  • Reduce worker injury and illness rates;
  • Decrease workmen’s compensation costs;
  • Improve employee morale;
  • Increase productivity;
  • Recognize and remove workplace hazards;
  • Improve safety and health management systems.

Director Michaels assured our members that “On-site consultation services are separate from our enforcement activities. Last year we did about 30,000 on-site consultations at the request of small businesses looking to improve their company’s safety and health performance. These on-site consultations are paid for out of the OSHA budget, and are one of the tools in our mix to improve the safety and health of all workers in the U.S.”

We personally know of several PMPA members who have used this service and they are leaders in both safety and operational performance.

Link to brochure on the OSHA On-site Consultation Service

Have you used this OSHA consultation service? What was your experience? What advice would you give to other shop owners?

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