The Millennials  are the latest Generation to enter the workplace. millennials were born between 1977 and 1988 and represent about 29% of our workforce and the foundation of our corporate future., according to Diane Thielfoldt, of The Learning Cafe.
Millennials are packed with potential.
Packed with power, this is the first generation of “Technology Natives” a generation that grew up naturally with the technology the rest of us had to adapt to.
If you want to harness the power and potential that these confident, capable people can bring to your business, you need to think about what makes Generation Y-Not? different from the rest of us.

A sneak peek at NTC content!

Here’s a sneak peek from Diane Thielfoldt’s  Meet the Millennials Program that will be part of the PMPA’s National Technical Conference presentation Tuesday April 27,  2010 to be held twice at 8:30 AM and again at 9:45 AM.
Leadership Lesson #1 for Managing Millennials: Technology Rules
Millennials have grown up with technology and are completely comfortable with it. Cell phones, text messages, the Internet, instant messaging, and email are how millennials communicate. It’s how they get information. It’s how they get work done.
As consumers, for their families their opinions were sought out when computers DVD’s cellular phones and digital cameras were purchased.
They are technology experts. Listen to their ideas. Acknowledge their expertise.
Millennials know more about technology than most of us non-Millennials can learn.
To reach millennials, podcasting, IM-ing, and personal webpages are the next generation of corporate communication tools.
Are you using technology to recruit and hire Millennials?
Leadership Lesson #4 for Managing Millennials: Managing is More than a Palm Pilot
Millennials expect structure. Their entire lives have been scheduled around planned activities. They understand calendars, deadlines, time management, and multi-tasking. Millennials want lots of challenge and varied assignments- but they also expect structur. Providing structure can include clear objectives, frequent project debriefing, a project mentor, a specific reporting structure,  a well understood timeline.
Share your vision, creating a clearer picture of your expectations, goals, results and rewards.
Want more info before the April NTC? Check out more about Diane Thielfoldt and her work with Millennials  at  The Learning Cafe.

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