423,000 jobs, $24.6 billion in annual payroll, $136 billion worth of products sold.
Just the facts on the medical technology industry.

These three facts alone make a compelling case for medical technology focus as part of your precision machining business plan- but wait- there is more.
12.5% increase in number of workers in this industry 2005-2008;
11.4%- increase in payroll;
11.6% – increase in value of products sold.
Medical Technology Industry Salaries: 40% above National Average.
These are just a small sampling of the facts in the latest report from AdvaMed prepared by The Lewin Group.
Top ten states for Medical Technology Industry Employment: California, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, new Jersey, Indiana, New York, Texas, and Wisconsin.
You can get the full report on the Medical Technology Industry HERE.
Nothing like the facts…
Joe Friday photo credit.

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