The precision machining industry is generating strong sales and positive prospects going into calendar year 2014.

Very strong sales and busy shops characterize the precision machining industry in January 2014
Very strong sales and busy shops characterize the precision machining industry in January 2014

PMPA’s January Business Trends Report’s Index of Sales bounced back up to 126 from December 2013’s high for any December of 100.
January 2014 ‘s 126 was just 2 points shy of January 2013’s 128.
Precision Machining Businesses had a great month in January.
Outlook  for sales remains positive with 87% of respondents expecting the level of sales to remain the same or increase over the next three months.
Profitability is expected to remain the same or improve by 93% of respondents.
Fifty-eight percent (58%) of shops scheduled overtime- 36%  scheduled 45 hours or more.
Get the full report here.
Note: This report was our inaugural issue of the Business Trends Reporting using our newly updated secure, online reporting system. Effective with this move to the new system, we have established the year 2010 as our index base.

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