IT Committee AGENDA


Douglas Boardroom

Chair: Bridget Casey, Bracalente Manufacturing Group


  1. Welcome/Read Mission Statement (Bridget)
    1. Mission Statement: To provide technological insight and vision for the future.


  1. Nominate IT Committee Vice Chair (Bridget)


  1. Management Update 2024 (Bridget)

Feb 29-Mar 2, 2024 | Austin, TX

  1. 45-minute breakout that will be repeated
  2. Topic: AI in Our Shops. How you are using it, how you think it will be used the future


  1. National Technical Conference 2024 (Bridget)

April 28-30, 2024 | Cincinnati, OH

  1. Discuss new technology to present at Rapid Fire Technology Session. A suggestion was to present technology that they probably already have but don’t use, like modules in Office 365.


  1. Next Meeting (Bridget)


  1. Adjourn