A Precision Machining Holiday Gift Suggestion: We’re certain that these will be appreciated and appropriate regardless of the holiday that you celebrate.
- To your suppliers, an order.
- To your banker, forgiveness.
- To your QA people, respect.
- To your customers, Zero Defects and 100% on time.
- From your customers, payment according to terms.
- To the people who call you up, delightful answers.
- To your local regulators, a passing nod.
- To your congressmen and senators, one hell of a good explanation about what the heck it is that we do in manufacturing.
- To your employees, a sincere word of appreciation for all they have been through with you.
- To your supervisors, a good example.
- To your family, friends, and the people you love, your full attention when you are not at the shop.
- To your employer, good will.
- To your interns and apprentices, patience.
- To yourself, respect and satisfaction with having done your best.
And to the bureaucratic regulators in Washington, a good swift kick in the pants while wearing your work shoes comes to mind…
Best wishes for the coming year from PMPASpeakingofprecision.