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Streaming Video
PMPA Members Who Attended NTC 2023 - $0.00
PMPA Members Who Did Not Attend NTC 2023 - $95.00
Dan O’Brien, Fisher Phillips Management Track Dan O’Brien from Fisher Phillips will give attendees actionable understanding so they can reduce risks from OSHA in the coming year, what triggers an OSHA inspection and what targets will OSHA focus on in 2023? What should you already have prepared BEFORE OSHA arrives? How to handle the OSHA visit Manage the initial contact, what to expect and how to get best results from opening conference and control the inspection. How to handle post-inspection matters. Optimizing every step of the OSHA “transaction” is the best way to minimize risk and avoid having to optimize a settlement during unneeded and expensive litigation.
Product Details:
Product ID: | 5302050 |
Publication Year: | 2023 |
Pages, Size, or Length: | 1 h 03 min |