2009 PMPA Educational Foundation Golf Outing Sponsorship

Monday, October 26, 2009 (1am - 1am US/Eastern)
The Club at Savannah Harbor Golf Course
Savannah, GA

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

Four levels of sponsorship are available, and the Educational Foundation will provide one complimentary golf registration for every $500.00 sponsorship to the outing.

Registration Includes:

Platinum and Gold sponsorship includes signage and mention in the golf outing program and one complimentary golf registration for every $500.00. Silver and Patron sponsorship includes mention in the golf outing program.

Pay by credit card with your online registration or send a check (made payable to PMPA Educational Foundation) to PMPA.

Registration Fees:

These fees are available through 08/31/2009
Name Price Available To
Platinum Sponsorship $1,000.00   TRIAL Manufacturing Membership (USA Contract Mfg.)
Affiliate Membership (Educational Institutions)
Associate Membership (Captive Departments/Shops)
Manufacturing Membership (USA Contract Mfg.)
Manufacturing Membership (Canadian Contract Mfg.)
Technical Membership (Suppliers)
Gold Sponsorship $500.00   TRIAL Manufacturing Membership (USA Contract Mfg.)
Affiliate Membership (Educational Institutions)
Associate Membership (Captive Departments/Shops)
Manufacturing Membership (USA Contract Mfg.)
Manufacturing Membership (Canadian Contract Mfg.)
Technical Membership (Suppliers)
Silver Sponsorship $250.00   TRIAL Manufacturing Membership (USA Contract Mfg.)
Affiliate Membership (Educational Institutions)
Associate Membership (Captive Departments/Shops)
Manufacturing Membership (USA Contract Mfg.)
Manufacturing Membership (Canadian Contract Mfg.)
Technical Membership (Suppliers)
Patron Sponsorship $100.00   TRIAL Manufacturing Membership (USA Contract Mfg.)
Affiliate Membership (Educational Institutions)
Associate Membership (Captive Departments/Shops)
Manufacturing Membership (USA Contract Mfg.)
Manufacturing Membership (Canadian Contract Mfg.)
Technical Membership (Suppliers)

For more information please contact:

Mr. Robert C. Kiener
Interim Executive Director