Wisconsin Chapter
PMPA President's Roundtable Meeting

Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Lake Lawn Resort
2400 East Geneva Street [map]
Delevan, WI 53115

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

Tom Bernstein, Jr., President of TORIN Products Inc. / PMPA President

5:00 p.m. – Reception (Cash Bar)
6:00 p.m. – Dinner
7:00 p.m. – Meeting

COST: Attendees to be invoiced following the meeting.

Tom Bernstein, President of TORIN Products, Inc., Columbus, Nebraska, and PMPA President, continues his PMPA tour of duty sharing with attendees not only his progress of visiting as many PMPA member shops as possible during his term as President, but reviewing what PMPA has provided members in terms of benefits and deliverables over the past year. Tom will also discuss governance, goals and the PMPA strategic plan.

Who Should Attend:

Be sure to bring your entire management team to this gathering where you’ll have the opportunity to interact and discuss the current issues of the day with your PMPA peers and be brought up to date with PMPA news.

For more information please contact:

Ms. Renee A. Merker
Director, Communications and Events
Precision Machined Products Association
Phone: (440) 262-5330
Fax: (440) 526-5803
Email: rmerker@pmpa.org