Western Michigan Chapter
Micron Manufacturing Showcase

Thursday, March 19, 2015
Micron Manufacturing
1722 Kloet Street [map]
N.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49514

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

4:30 p.m. - Meet & Greet
5:00 p.m. - Workshop
6:30 p.m. - Dinner

COST: $15.00 per person

Every company has waste, flow challenges and systems issues. Shhh, don’t tell anyone, but the secret is visibility. Can you see waste? Can you see flow? Can you see the status of your key systems? If you are challenged in any of these areas you need to attend the PMPA Western Michigan Chapter meeting!

What will you gain from this experience? At this event Micron will:
• Teach you –
o how they see waste, flow and systems issues by showing you their culture of continuous improvement and some of the tools used to bring problems to light,
• Learn from you –
o This is not your grand-dads tour. During this event Micron will require that you identify areas of waste, point out examples of visual controls and organization, bring to light areas for improvement and determine if systems are operating as designed by recording observable facts about their operation.
• Grow with you –
o by participating in its world-famous “Zipline” report out process where you will look each other in the eye and share what you learned.

Continuing Education Information:

CEU APPROVED: Earn PMPA CEUs for attending this meeting. These CEUs
can be used toward the PMPA “Precision Machining Technology Certificate

For more information please contact:

Ms. Renee A. Merker
Director, Communications and Events
Precision Machined Products Association
Phone: (440) 262-5330
Fax: (440) 526-5803
Email: rmerker@pmpa.org