2013 Annual Meeting - Company Sponsorship

Friday, October 18 - Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Hotel del Coronado
Coronado, CA

Online registration is not available at this time.

Show Your Support of the PMPA - Be a Company Sponsor for the 80th Annual Meeting!

During recent conferences, PMPA members have expressed a desire to help support the various national meetings through formal sponsorship of the association's annual events. Sponsorship at last year's national events were a huge success. Company sponsorship is open to all PMPA members, and attendance at the meeting is not mandatory.

  • Benefactor ($2,500.00 sponsorship)
  • Patron ($1,000.00 sponsorship)

If you are interested in being a sponsor for the upcoming 2013 Annual Meeting, please complete the Annual Meeting Company Sponsorship form (below) and return to PMPA by October 4, 2013. Questions? Contact Robert Kiener 440-526-0300.

Related Files:

Annual Meeting Company Sponsorship Form