2012 Annual Meeting - Sponsorship

Friday, October 26 (12am) - Tuesday, October 30, 2012 (1am US/Eastern)
The Ritz-Carlton Palm Beach
Manalapan, FL

Online registration is not available at this time.

During recent conferences, PMPA members have expressed a desire to help support the various national meetings through formal sponsorship of the association's annual events. After careful review by the PMPA Finance Committee and Board of Directors, the association is pleased to announce that a company sponsorship plan was approved by a formal vote of the PMPA Board.

Sponsorship Levels:
  • Benefactor ($2,500.00 sponsorship)
  • Patron ($1,000.00 sponsorship)

If you are interested in being a sponsor for the upcoming 2012 Annual Meeting, please complete the Annual Meeting Company Sponsorship form (below) and return to PMPA by October 5, 2012. Questions? Contact Robert Kiener 440-526-0300.

Related Files:

Annual Meeting Company Sponsorship Form