Actually I am amazed at how few broken links I encounter in all of my online research.
But occasionally, we do encounter  the challenge of broken links.

A broken link- but what can we do to get the material that was supposed to be there?

I use the following process to meet the challenge of a broken link:
Deconstruct the broken link into a “likely domain” and the “deliverable Sought.” (In this case a .pdf file.)
So in this case the likely domain was “Nuclear Regulatory Commission,” and the deliverable sought was “BR0470 .pdf”
I searched for “Nuclear Regulatory Commission BR0470.pdf “

      1. And Google gave me this :

That top link looks like it!

So I followed the top result that Google provided.

    1. Which took me to the page that has a link to the file that I wanted:

This is the page that the google search found. the link we want is the third bullet (look for the pdf icon)

I then selected the pdf link  on that page which was in fact the deliverable that I was seeking.

    1. Which then delivered this:

NRC Primer on Lean Six Sigma .pdf

Which is the deliverable that I was seeking, and a very good reference on Lean Six Sigma!
That’s my process for dealing with the challenge of broken links keeping me from the information that I want.
What’s yours?

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