About a year ago, Hurricane Sandy forever changed many lives and destroyed  businesses on the East Coast.

What is your contingency plan when it is no longer business as usual?
What is your contingency plan when it is no longer business as usual?

QS9000 requires suppliers to have contingency plans
contingency plans 49b2
Sometimes, natural disasters and acts of God are also in play.
PMPA offers it members operational assurance through our Disaster Recovery Plan
90 PMPA members stepped up to offer Operational Assurance.
90 PMPA members stepped up to offer Operational Assurance.

PMPA member companies stepped up during last years Sandy Hurricane to offer their capabilities and open time to shops affected by the Superstorm and its consequences.
Over 90 member companies contacted PMPA staff as part of PMPA’s Disaster Recovery Plan
Offers from “recovery shops” (shops volunteering to provide assistance) included loan of tools, gages, material, and offers to run jobs while  “requesting shops”  dug out from the storm.
Is your shop QS 9000 registered? Do you have a documented contingency plan?
PMPA member shops do. And a list of 90+ fellow shops who have volunteered aid and assistance in the past  if needed.
We hope that the only time you need to access the PMPA Disaster Recovery Plan is to pass a QS 9000 audit.
But as a PMPA member, our shops know that if they should have a need, we have a plan backed by member shops like theirs waiting to make a difference.
For information regarding PMPA Disaster Recovery Plan, contact Jeff Remaley  gro.apmp@yelamerj here at PMPA .
NY Post Photo
QS 9000 link

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