The topic of  heat treatment is one part science and often it seems, two parts smoke and one part black magic.

Oh yes, and fire too.

If the definition of heat treating that you have is close to the definition of  steel that my neighbor has: “It’s dirty, it’s heavy, a magnet sticks to it and its made in fire,” then maybe you too could use an assist in figuring out how to communicate successfully with your heat treater.
We were pleased to see an article entitled ” How to Best Communicate Your Needs to the Heat Treater”  co- written by  PMPA Technical Member Nevada Heat Treating  Vice President Patrick McKenna.
It was feature article  in  the  April 2010 print edition of Industrial Heating magazine.
I predict that you will add it to your file of ‘articles you can use’ for sensemaking in this ever more complicated technical world that we harness for our customers.
You can read it at the link above.
Or contact Patrick at Nevada Heat Treating or Miles Free at PMPA and we’ll email you the article as a .pdf.
It will really be worth  your time before you send that next batch of parts out to take a ride through the Fire…

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