TOUR 1  Fort Wayne
May 20 @ 8:00am – May 21 @ 5:30pm

Charleston Metal Products
Rayco Tools
Valbruna Stainless
Wieland Chase

TOUR 2 Charlotte
September 16 @ 9:00am – September 17 @ 6:00pm

Bucci Industries
Dixon Quick Coupling
Nucor Cold Finish, parent company of Laurel Steel
Marcegaglia Stainless





PMPA’s Mastery Program consists of two bus tours which provide an unparalleled experience!  PMPA member and non-member contract manufacturers will see the precision machining supply chain, receive two valuable reference books and instruction from industry expert, Miles Free III and David Wynn. Develop your team. 

Mastery Program 2023 Website

Register Here

PMPA Business Trends December 2024

December Business Trends truly was a rough end to a good year.  All of 2024 was range bound (and in positive territory) until 4th Quarter, when variation took us up 11 points in October, then down substantially with declines in November and December. Don’t let the drama of the December reading fool you- this report shows that our Business Trends Sales Index closed out our third best year ever. Sentiment indicators for the next three months offer optimism to counter the decline in sales in November and December. Get the full picture here: Link to PMPA December 2024 Business Trends Report.

If you are not currently participating in PMPA’s Monthly Business Trends reporting, you are missing an excellent peer benchmark and a tool to provide you with confidence for your business decisions. Contact Veronica Durden to sign up.



PMPA Business Trends November 2024

Our November 2024 Sales index dropped substantially as Hours of First Shift Scheduled declined, not unexpected at the end of the year. At the same time, forward-looking sentiment for the next three months pivoted to the upside, with three of four indicators turning positive. The mixed message from the data can help us understand— we do not need to overreact to the November sales number. We remain on track to achieve our April Forecast for Calendar Year Sales.

If you are not currently participating in PMPA’s Monthly Business Trends reporting, you are missing an excellent peer benchmark and a tool to provide you with confidence for your business decisions. Contact Veronica Durden to sign up.



PMPA Business Trends October 2024

Our October 2024 sales and hours scheduled performance certainly surprised to the upside, while our four sentiment indicators all turned strongly downward.  October sales showed the most volatility all year- to the upside- while average hours worked grew as well in order to deal with the unexpected increase in demand. The Precision Machined Products Association’s  Sales Index in October 2024 outperformed both the Fed’s  Industrial Production and Manufacturing Production indicators. Our increase over the prior month’s sales (11 points or 7.2%) was greater than the range that our sales indicator had remained in all year (9 points). Despite the negative forward-looking sentiments- which we attribute to both pre-election anxiety and normal seasonal slowdown expectations- we remain on track to be within 2 percent of the end-of-the-year forecast for sales that we made in April 2024. The divergence of the monthly and three-month moving average from the 12-month moving average for sales gives us business confidence. There is an assignable cause…

If you are not currently participating in PMPA’s Monthly Business Trends reporting, you are missing an excellent peer benchmark and a tool to provide you with confidence for your business decisions. Contact Veronica Durden to sign up.



PMPA Business Trends September 2024

Sales remained in a tight 3-point range for the last 5 months. The average has stayed above 2023 year-end all year and we are currently only 3 points (2.1%) below our predicted year end value. Stability continues to be the story of 2024. Average hours worked continues to decrease.  Sentiment is riding around a neutral level reflecting the reduced volatility we have seen this year. Prepare for the growth that is to come.

If you are not currently participating in PMPA’s Monthly Business Trends reporting, you are missing an excellent peer benchmark and a tool to provide you with confidence for your business decisions. Contact Veronica Durden to sign up.



Baseball and Nutcracker Jacks

Tuesday, December 3, 2024 
6pm – 8:30pm Eastern

W.H. Bagshaw
1 Pine Street Extension
Nashua, NH 03061

It was a fun evening at the PMPA Eastern New England Baseball and Nutcracker Jacks event! The atmosphere was lively, and everyone enjoyed the exciting activities and great company. It was a memorable night filled with laughter and joy. The Chapter is looking forward to more events like this in the future!



PMPA Business Trends August 2024

Rangebound is good. PMPA’s August Business Trends Report for the Precision machining Industry 1)  increased 3 points (2.1%) over July 2024;  2) came in just 2 points (1.4%) below August 2023, and 3)  was just 1.6 points (1.1%) below August’s five-year average.  Sales continue to show strength while remaining in a very tight (9 points for the whole year) range.  The year-to-date average for August is just 1 point above the year-end average for 2023 which was our second highest sales year ever recorded! Data-based optimism.  PMPA members are continuing to outperform the broader industry, despite the gloom and underperformance that ISM PMI and some of the other indicators seem to show. Our data makes a positive case for our industry, even as we approach the lower sales season of the 4th quarter.

If you are not currently participating in PMPA’s Monthly Business Trends reporting, you are missing an excellent peer benchmark and a tool to provide you with confidence for your business decisions. Contact Veronica Durden to sign up.



PMPA Business Trends July 2024

July 2024 sales still rock steady as we see almost no volatility this year.  Year-to-date average is still running high with expectations of a good year.  July is staying in the range not having significant drop when compared to June as we have seen in the past few years.  Sales are level and steady!

If you are not currently participating in PMPA’s Monthly Business Trends reporting, you are missing an excellent peer benchmark and a tool to provide you with confidence for your business decisions. Contact Veronica Durden to sign up.




PMPA / ITR Economics Forecast Report August 2024



Despite the Headlines, Optimism Is a Valid Outlook

ITR’s latest forecast report for PMPA has taken a turn to the positive, and now expects a 2024 broad plateau rather than economic recession. Of the 8 Industries measured that our shops serve,  only one is shown in recession phase, with the majority of the remainder showing slowing growth. Inflation will continue to be present due to ongoing government and  consumer spending , so passing along price increases will likely be a management challenge, as well as  higher for longer rates. The forecast for 2025 is more positive than prior calls, based on the latest data. While it is difficult to plan for Growth ahead while the majority of our industries served are slowing growth, savvy shops will have taken this time to ensure they are ready for the uptick sure to follow. Take the time to examine each of the eight market reports inside  to see where the expected 2025 growth is expected- (hint- it’s not expected to be evenly distributed.)



The Institute for Trend Research (ITR) quarterly reports focus on major areas of economic growth and decline in key market segments for the Precision Machined Products Industry. They are provided to PMPA members as part of the association’s overall business intelligence program and are used as a management tool to help PMPA members plan for what lies ahead and which markets they should focus on in a complex manufacturing environment.