Why has PMPA created this blog, www.pmpaspeakingofprecision.com when there are so many other things competing for your attention?
By speaking of precision, we can facilitate knowledge retention while providing tools you can use, and business intelligence, to help sustain our manufacturing community here in North America. 
Here are our top 5 reasons:

We're speaking of precision for YOU!
We're speaking of precision for YOU!

  1. Give you tools you can use.
  2. Speaking of precision.
  3. Knowledge retention.
  4. Business Intelligence. 
  5. Sustaining our community

1. Tools You Can Use By sharing best practices, tried and proven ideas, and insights into our processes and markets, we provide “tools you can use” to stay competitive, improve your sustainability, and understand your business. Everyone understands the value of tools you can use…Tuesday we try to run a shop focus tool you can use item in our blog.
2. Speaking of Precision Our purpose is to find the really relevant information, news, tools, knowledge and business intelligence that today’s shops need to make their way through the volatility and uncertainty we face. As things continue to get more complex and more ambiguous, our blog tries to provide you with sense making information from and for the point of view of precision machined parts manufacturing
3. Knowledge Retention Our businesses have overarching needs for shop process, craft, financial, commercial, market and regulatory information and wisdom. As older workers retire or leave the industry, there is a possibility that they will take with them ideas and process knowledge that isn’t necessarily easily retrieved anywhere else. We are trying to add those kinds of subjects to our blog where they will be more easily findable through the use of keywords and search engine. Pmpaspeakingofprecision.com is a place for us to archive and retain this knowledge on line for our industry.
4. Business Intelligence Uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are rampant in our world today. But the task is how do we find information that helps us make sense of it all? What is relevant? What will help us make decisions? What will help us anticipate upcoming issues? PMPAspeakingofprecision is one place where the issues facing our industry will be discovered, reflected upon, and presented for your action.
5. Sustaining Our Community PMPA’s vision is to be the premier provider of association services to advance the global competitiveness of the Precision Machining Industry. We believe that Manufacturing is important in North America, and we see our role as helping to sustain North American Manufacturing by helping sustain Precision Machining as a North American competency.  We recognize the demographic realities of the baby boom generation starting to exit the workforce, and new generations with new information needs entering the industry.
Our blog www.pmpaspeakingofprecision.com is a way for PMPA to facilitate the transfer of important knowledge, ideas and developments as this demographic change takes place in our workforce- and in the purchasing and engineering departments of our customers.
That’s why PMPA is Speaking of Precision.  To help you make sense of the changes,  forces, and events that affect our industry. By sharing tools you can use and providing knowledge retention and business intelligence.
To help you remain competitive.
You can visit PMPA on the web at www.pmpa.org .

Stress and stress risers are words that we often hear in our shops. Usually when bad things have happened to our work. Here are 5 ideas to reduce stress in precision machined products and a brief tutorial on what it is when the engineers say “stress.”

Looking at this, someone is going to say "stress riser."
Looking at this, someone is going to say "stress riser."

Stress (when used by designers, engineers, and metallurgists) refers to the measurement of load on a part  or test specimen related to the area under that load. Stress can be considered to be have three modes, axial (in line) , bending (you know what that means), or torsional (twisting or torque).  The following graphic illustrates some stress states our parts may encounter.
Diagram of Simple Stress States.
Diagram of Simple Stress States.

Residual stress can be considered to be a kind of “internal pressure” in the material which may act in the same direction as the stress applied to the part. Because of this, it can actually reduce the load carrying ability of the part. This is what usually results in failures. Characteristics of the part may also contribute to the concentration of these internal stresses, leading to premature failure of the parts once in service and subjected to load.
Here are 5 ideas to reduce stress in precision machined parts.

  1. Assure a smooth surface.
  2. Use a larger not smaller diameter for threading.
  3. Always maximize the fillet or radius between section or diameter changes.
  4. Provide both pads and relief areas on parts where applicable.
  5. Be alert to the fact that some materials are particularly notch sensitive, especially in the transverse direction.

Some things never change...
Some things never change...

Assure a smooth surface. The creation of a smooth surface prevents the concentration of internal stresses at sharp changes in surface. Parts with smooth surface finish are much less likely to fail than parts where deep grooves, tool marks or pits can allow stresses to build up.
Use a larger not smaller diameter for threading.  This is both related to the strength of the additional material as well as to the geometry and radii between change  of dimensions. The more generous radius possible with the larger diameter for threading can improve the endurance limit of the part substantially. In heat treated 4340, the increase in radius from 0.015″ to 0.090″ increase the endurance limit from 34,000 to 65,000 psi.
Always maximize the fillet or radius between section or diameter changes.  Any design which allows stress to concentrate locally will promote fatigue failure. Generous radii and fillets are inexpensive insurance against premature failure.
Make sure that the designer has provided both pad and releif areas on  parts joining perpendicularly.  Instead of having a single point or locus for the change in forces to be distributed through the part, pads and relief areas diffuse the stresses that would otherwise be concentrated,  improving the performance of the part.
Be alert to the fact that some materials are particularly notch sensitive, especially in the transverse direction. Many of the materials that we prefer to machine are resulfurized, and in these steels, the manganese sulfides can in fact lower the steel’s transverse mechanical properties. Also, cold drawing and or forging  prior to machining can influence grain flow which can enhance the ability of the material to carry the load. The material the designer selected could be a large reason for the material’s ability to handle stress, or not.
There you have it. Stress = Load. Don’t give it places to concentrate on your precision machined parts.

Submitted by Monte Guitar,  PMPA Director of Technical Programs
The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program emphasizes continuous improvement, innovation, integration of processes, and results. The program was developed with the idea of increasing the competitiveness, quality, and productivity of U.S. organizations for the benefit of all citizens.
 How does the Baldrige Award differ from ISO 9000? According to a FAQ posted on the NIST site, the answer is:

  • “The award program promotes quality awareness, recognizes quality achievements, provides a vehicle for sharing successful strategies, and focuses on results and continuous improvement. The program provides a framework for designing, implementing, and assessing a process for managing all business operations.”
  • Overall, ISO 9000 registration covers less than 10 percent of the Baldrige Award criteria.”  

Doesn’t this make us as manufacturers crave that additional 90% of requirements, mandates and bureaucracy? On top of that, we get the chance to hear the voice of the numerous auditors (assessors) who have different interpretations of the standard (criteria). Don’t we all long to hear- “I’m from the government & I’m here to help!” 
From Manufacturing to Health Care
While the Baldrige process may have initially been driven with the betterment of American manufacturing in mind, the applications now show a key shift in those who are willing to even apply.

  • 45 manufacturing companies chose to apply when this award process began in 1988.
  • In 2008, 3 manufacturers saw this process to be of value.
  • Where are all of the applicants coming from now? The health care sector; in 2008 there were 43 health care applicants for the award.

Is the low manufacturing participation due to the fact that Baldrige ignores  the numerous other challenges currently thrust upon the backs of American manufacturers? Or is it that the Baldrige group believe  that “manufacturers just don’t understand” how the Baldrige criteria can help them?   
3 Opportunities For “Change” 

  1. The Baldrige think tank puts together a “continuous improvement plan” to address the declining applications of entries in the manufacturing and small business sectors.
  2. This group “focuses on results and continuous improvement” within their own program.
  3. They demonstrate that they have a “framework for designing, implementing, and assessing” criteria that will better serve our manufacturers.

 The easiest thing for a group to do is to define requirements to which they themselves do not have to be compliant. 
Any thoughts or experience out there that you would like to share? Unfamiliar with the Baldrige process? Check out this link for additional FAQ.

It's more than a slogan on a sign.
It's more than a slogan on a sign.

How do I start a 5-S program?
How do I get my 5-S program back on track?
The best way to do 5-S is to understand that the area where the man and the machine interact is the absolutely most valuable real estate on the planet.
Go to that place and ask: “Why is this here?” about any- and every- thing that is there.

  1. Why is this here?
  2. Will it be used this hour?
  3. Will it be used this shift?
  4. Will it be used today?
  5. Why is this here? 

In an office environment, only the names of the machines are different.
When you have completed this for all of your workstations come back and we’ll give you some more ideas about eliminating other less urgent wastes.
PMPA members  with user name and password can download the  6/01/2005 BI Report: Lean Setup 5-S Case Study (Micron Manufacturing) here.

The August 2009 PMPA Business Trends Report increased to 73 in August up 3 points from July, up 4 points from June, and up 8 points from the May 2009 low of 65.  Three months in a row of upward movement!

"Only three months in a row of non negative sales growth"
"Only three months in a row of non negative sales growth"

Three consecutive months of improvement. Or as one of my more pessimistic colleagues puts it, ” three consecutive months of sales not getting any worse.
We’ll prefer our positive optimism to living in his dreary outlook anyday.
Here are our latest reasons we believe that the precision machining industry has begun its recovery based on approximately 100 members participating in our monthly PMPA Business Trends Report.

  1. Three consecutive months of sales increases.
  2. Over half  52% of respondents reported sales increases, and one third reported double digit sales increases.
  3. Average length of first shift climbed again to 38.2 hours. 
  4. 63 % of responding companies reported 40 hour or more average length of first shift.

The shops reporting serve the Medical, Automotive, Aerospace, Heavy Machinery, Truck, Construction Equipment, Food Service Equipment, and Military Markets.
PMPA members can see the latest Business Trends Report here.
Bonus good news  about the economy from the Fed Open Market Committee per  an email from Dr. Ken Mayland, Clearview Economics:
“…economic activity has picked up…” versus last meeting on 8/12: “…economic activity is leveling out.”  Yeah!  The economy is now recovering (not recovered).
Picture credit : http://www.itsallabouteeyore.awoodman.net/

Stealing scrap metals  Clerical errors at scrapyards could become a federal crime under provisions of H.R.1006 now in committee.  We saw nothing in this bill  that is aimed at the theives who actually steal, say, the cover of that manhole that you drive into. 

You won't find these in our chip buckets!
You won't find these in our chip buckets!

But if the scrapyard makes a paperwork error, look out. $10,000 fine!
Goal 8 of the bill states “The secondary metal recycling industry should be commended for educating the public and law enforcement to the problems related to metal theft, issuing `Do Not Buy’ lists, partnering with the National Crime Prevention Council, and creating a Theft Alert System.”
Section 9, Civil Penalty  states “The knowing violation of any provision of this Act is punishable by a civil penalty of not to exceed $10,000.”
Fining clerks  in small businesses  $10,000 for paperwork errors- now that’s  an effective way to commend the industry. Does nothing to deter  the actual thieves from stealing infrastructure.
Bipartisan introductions in both the House ( H.R.1006  ) and Senate (S.418) could make this one bill that actually gets out of committee and passed  this year.
The bill requires “secondary metal recycling agents to keep records of their transactions in order to deter individuals and enterprises engaged in the theft and interstate sale of stolen secondary metal, and for other purposes.”
They already do.
The bill specifically calls out manhole covers, storm water grates, highway guard rails, railroad tracks, automobile components, and street lamps as posing a significant safety risk.
It defines secondary metal as “Copper, aluminum, or other metal (including any metal combined with other materials) that is valuable for recycling or reuse as raw metal.”
We understand the problem of theft of metals – the price of copper has  increased 19 % since May, 64% since January according to PMPA’s latest Material Impacts Report .  Steel scrap prices have been highly variable, and thefts peak when the prices paid are high.
But is increasing  the penalties for recordkeeping  requirements  on scrap dealers the best way to tackle this problem?
What do you think? Has theft of scrap metals been a problem for your shop? Has your community been plagued by theft of power lines, guard rails or manhole covers? What would you recommend to lawmakers to deter the theft of scrap metals?  We think fining clerks at scrapyards does nothing to deter theft. What about you?

Rethinking connecting!
We just learned of this prize winning development. Researchers at  Technical University of Munich , Germany have developed ‘Steel Velcro’ which they claim can hold 35 tonnes per square meter of fastener and hold at temperatures up to 800 ºC.

Metal fastener, rethought.
Metal fastener, rethought.

Of course, just like ‘ordinary’ Velcro, it can be opened up without specialised tools and used again. This product is called Metaklett.
The  Metaklett fastening material is made from perforated spring steel strips 0.2 millimetres thick, one kind bristling with springy steel brushes and the other sporting jagged spikes.
We think that this innovation will be useful for machine assembly and for holding things in hot and oily conditions. Especially where there is a high frequency of opening and closing whatever is being secured. Resistance to high temperatures and chemicals could also make this an important development in medical field. Metaklett is basically suitable for use in all areas that require easily opened but stable fasteners, for example air-conditioning and ventilation systems in building services engineering and automotive construction.
Of course, the strength of the connection depends on the direction of the force applied. Applied  90 degrees to the strips, the holding force is said to be about 7 tonnes. The strength of the adhesion diminishes after the first couple openings and closings then stabilizes.
I can see the engineers and designers at NASA and Boeing flying to Munich to get their hands on this.
Congratulations to the team at TU Munich, for their prize winning “rethink of connecting.”
Where would you use this in your shop?

There was certainly no transformation of culture at the Tier 1 suppliers  coming out of Chapter 11. Despite all the special consideration, debts released, and government largesse received by these companies, the arrogance is still there.
Here’s an excerpt from a  Tier 1 letter sent to a machine shop not too long ago:
“Prior to and during the course of “Company’s  name here” Chapter 11 filing, many suppliers demanded shortened payment terms. These terms were granted solely to protect “Company’s name here” supply and to ensure uninterrupted deliveries to our customers. Given “Company’s name here” planned emergence by the end of this quarter, shortened terms are no longer appropriate or justifiable.
“Since you have refused 

My Terms. My way. Take it or leave it supplier.
My Terms. My way. Take it or leave it supplier.

to return to standard payment terms, “Company’s name here” will seek all available remedies, which may include seeking legal redress, or pursuing alternative sourcing solutions if arrangements acceptable to “Company’s name here”  are not completed…
How nice of  “Company” to grant us shortened terms while they were under the protection of the bankruptcy court.
How nice to still try to unilaterally dictate terms to your suppliers.
Terms are granted,  by suppliers, when appropriate, to reward or incentivize creditworthy customers for prompt payment. They are not an entitlement established by arrogance, demand, or corporate pedigree.
We are not surprised that the same pre-bankruptcy arrogance and supplier abuse  remain well entrenched in the Tier 1’s Purchasing Departments. Why would we think cash infusions of billions of dollars and special treatment by the court system would change that?
If the financial restructuring didn’t change the culture, what will be different about doing business with the Detroit companies and their Tier 1’s in the future?
According to the letter I saw, nothing has changed.

Straightness is perishable in bars. Straightness is often lost during handling operations, loading and unloading.

Correct handling preserves straightness.
Correct handling preserves straightness.

Straightness is critical for holding position and tolerances on today’s highly engineered medical, aerospace, automotive and electronic parts.
Here are six ways that bars can lose their straightness.
Six Ways Bar Straightness Can Be Degraded
1) Mechanical damage to an end.   If the bundle is struck by a lift truck, or if the bars catch on a rack or table while being hoisted with the crane, this can cause the ends of the bars that are caught to be deflected out of the bundle and bent.
2) Improper blocking and support at mill or on truck. Cold finished barstock, especially smaller diameters, really needs to be supported at multiple points along its length. This reduces the possible radius that the bundle can sag or droop between supports. The mills that I’m familiar with, (PMPA Tech members) are pro’s and know the best way to support the product and to package it securely. Reputable mills put more bands on smaller ID bar bundles to preserve straightness when needed.
3) Truck loading  and securing. The binders used to secure the bars onto the truck can cause a permanent deformation if they are not matched up with the blocking beneath the bars. I saw a trucker once use a 4 foot piece of pipe as a “cheater” to secure the binding chains ‘one more notch.’ You could hear the wood  underneath the bundle being crushed. Chains are always bad news for cold drawn bars- nicks, and gouges and ‘low spots.’
4) Improper unloading. Putting a spreader bar on so that there are multiple points of support for the bundle is critical, especially with the smaller diameter bars and small bundles.
This is bad...
This is bad...

 I have seen shops unload bundles by using a single “hitch” at the approximate middle of the bundles. This causes a permanent camber over the length of the bars. Jerky crane lifts rather than smooth movements can magnify this effect.
5) Hand unloading or using a forklift. Small diameter bars especially can be bent by the way they are manually pulled out, lifted, and carried, instead of being placed on a table or rack. Using a forklift can also cause bars to be bent.
6) Frequency of handling. If you are buying from a service center, the number of times that the material has been handled can double or triple,  compared to a direct shipment from the mill. Given that you may be buying non-bundle quantities, it is a fact of life that the number of lifts and handling increases dramatically with the additional destination of the service center, as well as in the act of splitting the bundle. 
When you encounter bar straightness issues, characterizing the way the bar deviates from straightness can help you determine which of the above factors might be the cause.

Breaking news. Bloomberg and other sources report that duties up to 31% will be imposed on Chinese produced OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods) on the basis of their production with the support of unfair government subsidizes. Average duties are expected to be about 21%, according to the Commerce Department preliminary report.

Like it or not 6.8 billion people live here. We need to trade fairly.
Like it or not 6.8 billion people live here. We need to trade fairly.

In my International Trade Class, we discuss the subject of mercantilism, which is the best way to describe China’s trade policy. When I was in college, the Chinese called the US “imperialists.” This  Department of Commerce finding supports the claim made by many laid off US manufacturing workers that today China, Inc.  is a “commercial imperialist.”
We believe that this case and the forthcoming Chinese tire case (see our blog story dated July 2) are bellwethers of the road ahead for trade relations between the US and China. Trade need not be a zero sum or negative sum game. But artificially manipulating a firms “comparative advantage” is not the way that trade can be sustained in the world today.
China produced 38% of world crude steel production in 2008 according to World Steel Association . With that much power must come discipline.
Harm to  the US manufacturing industry continues as a result of both the past and current adminstration’s  failure to act on China’s mercantilist trade practices and predatory pegged currency scheme. We  are glad to see  the Commerce Department is at least functioning and reviewing trade cases. 
Hey Washington, how about some change? 
How has the impact of Chinese currency manipulation or mercantilism/subsidies  impacted your company or your employment? Post your comment here.
photo credit : thechinabeat http://thechinabeat.blogspot.com/2009_04_01_archive.html