European Environmental Directives and Regulations


The attached report provides an overview of The European System for Environmental Protection and details 5 European Directives and Regulations, End of Life Vehicles (ELV); Restriction of Hazardous Substances, (RoHS); Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE); Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH); and Packaging and Packaging Waste. Additional relevant material regarding European Union requirements on wood packing materials is provided as part of the Packaging and Packaging Waste report.

The impact of some of these directives has already reached our shores and companies, with End of Life Vehicles and RoHS already affecting the materials permitted and specified for use, and causing confused customers to turn to us, their suppliers, for clarity on these Directives. Leaded free-machining materials are still acceptable, though the details vary by Directive and end use. This is documented for each of the directives discussed and analyzed here.

The materials provided here are the results of lengthy research and technical analysis. They are not, and should not be considered legal advice. We have reviewed the technical requirements, and after careful analysis, have provided responses to potential customer questions on each of these Directives.

We are confident that the attached material will help you understand and successfully manage the growing number of environmental questions that we currently face coming out of the European Market. Please forward any comments, concerns, or new developments in this area to Miles Free, PMPA’s Director of Technology Services, gro.apmp@eerfm.


European Environmental Directives


OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS)


OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), first issued in 1983, was designed to ensure that employers provide information about potential health and physical hazards and associated protective measures to their workers. OSHA has just announced on March 20, 2012, a final rule updating OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard to align with the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. Globally_Harmonized_System_Guide.

Employers must start training to understand the new label elements and Safety Data Sheets format by December 1, 2013. Resources to assist PMPA members with compliance to this new standard are provided here.


OSHA’s Global Harmonized Hazard Communication Standard Fact Sheet


2012 Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Reference Documents


Below are the 2012 TRI reference documents for PMPA member companies. These materials will help you understand the requirements, explain the issues, and will help you to make the calculations needed for your Form R Reporting.

Any questions please contact Miles Free gro.apmp@eerfm


Toxic Release Inventory Guidelines


Example Threshold Calculation Worksheet


EPA TRI Web Links

New Stormwater Regulations (in Ohio) – Training Material Available


The State of Ohio is in the process of updating its Stormwater General Permit to match the Federal multi sector requirements. The new permit is 171 pages long and involves greatly increased testing and monitoring.

We urge you to give consideration to the NO Exposure Conditional Exclusion described in one of the attachments below. Attachments are provided for a review of SPCC plans, as well as the Stormwater Webinar and supporting documents presented by Barb Knecht of Hzw Environmental on September 20th.

(Note: Materials are prepared anticipating the State of Ohio’s Promulgation of the regulations. The SPCC materials and other resources may be appropriate for shops in other states for planning and forward looking activities.)


SPCC Training Compatibility Mode


Changes in General Industrial Storm Water Permit


Industrial Storm Water Draft


Industrial Storm Water Final


No Exposure Guidance


NOI Form September 2011