April 2017 | Craftsman’s Cribsheet #53
Unleaded brasses are not necessarily harder to run than leaded brass. They are just different.
Author: Joe Jackson
April 2017 | Craftsman’s Cribsheet #53
Unleaded brasses are not necessarily harder to run than leaded brass. They are just different.
March 2017 | Craftsman’s Cribsheet #52
In cold worked steels, failures can be broadly nucleated by localized defects, such as seams, pipe and exogenous inclusions. The second are those which result from exceeding the strength of the material itself.
The European Commission is almost a year late on providing their decisions on the RoHS exemptions that affect our industry.
The attached report will help you make sense of the review on exemptions for lead in Steel (6a.), Aluminum (6b.), and Brass (6c.) as per the recommendations by the consultants. This information will help you understand and evaluate the likely usage and availability of these leaded materials for our industry going forward.
Existing exemptions remain in effect until the European Commission takes action on the consultants’ report.
December 2016 | Craftsman’s Cribsheet #51
There are three main areas that are solely the responsibility of management:
November 2016 | Craftsman’s Cribsheet #50
The ability of a material to deform plastically without fracturing is called ductility. In the materials usually machined in our shops, ductility is measured by determining the percent of elongation and the percent reduction of area on a specimen during a tensile test.
October 2016 | Craftsman’s Cribsheet #49
Three (3) of My Favorite and Most Shared Ideas to Get the Most from Drills in Your Shop
September 2016 | Craftsman’s Cribsheet #48
Vacuum treated or vacuum degassed steel is used for critical applications that require steel with an exceptionally high degree of structural uniformity, internal soundness and other characteristics that may be impaired by the effects of uncontrolled amounts of dissolved gases. Vacuum degassing treatments, along with various de-oxidation practices, are specified to control the amounts of dissolved gases in the steel.
August 2016 | Craftsman’s Cribsheet #47
The following is a list of the top 10 most frequently cited standards following inspections of worksites by federal OSHA for Fiscal Year 2015.
July 2016 | Craftsman’s Cribsheet #46
Many people, particularly those in purchasing and accounting, see buying at the lowest costs as being a key to sustaining their business
Stay open for business by doing the little things! Below is slides provided by PMPA’s Affinity Partner, Federated Insurance.
Disaster Planning Seminar Slides