PMPA Welcomes New Staff Member

Monica Reyes Vazquez is PMPA’s newest team member!  Her very first day was the first day of the National Technical Conference in Cincinnati and she enjoyed meeting members while there.  Monica comes to PMPA from the Cleveland Clinic and is PMPA’s new Office Coordinator. 

Welcome, Monica! 


Welcome Monica Here



NTC 2024 Wrap Up


The National Technical Conference held in Cincinnati, Ohio last week was a big success!  We had 259 members attend from 99 companies and 82 first timers.  Networking, learning and problem-solving filled the sessions, hotel hallways and gatherings.  A big thank you to all our speakers, mentors and members of the Technical Program Committee – you make this conference valuable. 

Another big thank you to our sponsors whose support helps keep the registration fees reasonable.

Any available session slide decks are available for download (PDFs) at the link below.  They are password-protected (you’ll need your PMPA password to access).






Print Session Discussion

  interactive discussions during a session

Miles Free teaching a session on CHIPS!

Save the date for NTC 2025 in Cleveland, Ohio, March 30 – April 1, 2025!