My Employee Tested Positive for COVID-19 – What Do I Do Now?


Fisher Phillips logo


With COVID-19 cases spiking across the country, employers need to be ready when an employee advises that he or she tested positive or was exposed to someone who has the virus. A positive diagnosis for one employee triggers a host of questions and considerations.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss the steps to take if your employee tests positive, has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for or been diagnosed with the virus, or needs to take time off to care for someone in quarantine or isolation.

During the webinar, attendees will receive answers to these questions, and more:
• When an employee tests positive, do I need to notify all employees?
• If an employee has symptoms but refuses to see a doctor, can I require the employee to stay home?
• How is “close contact” defined now?
• Do we have to notify the Dept. of Health of positive tests?
• If an employee has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, how long should they remain off work?
• When can I require a doctor’s note to return to work?
• Am I required to pay employees who self-quarantine, but do not have a medical diagnosis?
• Does the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (“FFCRA”) require me to pay employees who have been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19?




Top Ten Issues Employers are Facing in Today’s (New) Working Environment


Fisher Phillips logo


Melanie Webber, labor law attorney for Fisher Phillips LLP, will share the top ten challenges that employers are facing in this crazy COVID-world, the lessons learned, as well as other issues that may need to be on your radar following the elections.



All Things Energy



APPI Energy, a brand new Affinity Partner of PMPA will walk through all of the energy solutions that can it can provide for PMPA Members. Noel Temple of APPI Energy will review the Marseilles Lock and Dam Hydroelectric Water Power Project as well as combined heat and power energy efficiency, demand response program compensation, turnkey LED lighting programs, solar PV solutions, utility bill management, procurement processes and much much more! 



New SBA Questionnaire Raises Stakes For Businesses That Borrowed Over $2 Million In PPP Loans


Fisher Phillips logo

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has released loan necessity questionnaires that lenders must issue to over 50,000 borrowers that received $2 million or more in funds from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – and the questions indicate that borrowers may face a higher hurdle than originally anticipated when it comes to forgiveness. Businesses may need to demonstrate that they suffered actual economic harm as a result of the pandemic in order to be eligible for full forgiveness, which is a change from what many initially believed at the time the applications were submitted. Borrowers only have 10 days from the time they receive the questionnaire to complete it and submit supporting documentation, so those who received $2 million or more from the PPP should begin preparing to respond to the questionnaire now.




Are You Covered? Industry Specific Programs, Coverages & Services For PMPA Members


Federated Insurance Logo


Federated Insurance will provide a brief history as well as an overview of our structure to serve PMPA Members. We will review recommended insurance programs and specialized coverages specific to the machining and manufacturing industry, and an overview of our risk management services and tools available to clients to assist in operating their business. In addition, we will highlight personalized online destinations for risk management for clients that will be available late summer.



Deburring Techniques for Small Plastic and Precision Metals Parts

Colin Weighman from Comco, Inc.


Colin Weightman of Comco Inc. will take a look at different kinds of burrs: poisson and rollover (feather). This distinction helps determine the appropriate deburring methods and how to remove them. We explore a novel tool to effectively deburr small, fragile, and high value parts. Using several case studies we identify the capabilities and limitations of MicroBlasting for deburring a range of metals and polymers.



Democratizing Manufacturing Data

Graham Immerman from  MachineMetrics 


Graham Immerman, VP of Marketing for MachineMetrics will explore how organizations are working with American manufacturers to better prepare their supply chains to respond rapidly and proactively to future supply chain disruptions, with an emphasis on the importance of democratizing manufacturing data. Data democratization is a tremendous challenge. If achieved, however, the opportunities for continuous improvement for all manufacturing life-cycle members will be far greater than ever before.



Costing is a Science, Pricing is an Art:

The Over-Engineered Quote



The business strategy around estimating and quoting hasn’t changed much in 20 years. The same issues facing job shops in 1999 when Wayne Chaneski wrote his MMS column on Getting the Most From Your Quotations still hold true today. Most shops have a win rate of 20-30%. This means that 7 out of 10 quotes sent resulted in no revenue. So why are shops spending so much time engineering estimates?

Learn how technology can turn the data generated in the quoting process into valuable resources for future business activities and reduce time spent on over-engineering quotes.

Primary Topics:
Quoting strategies that increase revenue
The economics of costing
The true cost of quoting
The must-have customer experience



Going Paperless in the New Manufacturing Environment: Opportunities to be Touchless

Brady Stevens from Global Shop Solutions


Brady Stevens of Global Shop Solutions will dive into the key aspects of making your shop floor paperless. The presentation will tackle common problems manufacturers are facing today, common benefits manufacturers get from being paperless, tools you can use to help you go paperless and examples of successful implementations from manufacturers.