WEBINAR: PMPA Michigan Chapter’s Legislative Roundtable


If you missed our discussion of federal, state and local legislative and regulatory issues that affect the daily operations of PMPA members in the State of Michigan by Omar Nashashibi, Founding Partner of The Franklin Partnership, PMPA’s Legislative Affairs then click the button below to see what you missed! 



5-14-21 COVID Update Provided by The Franklin Partnership


Franklin Partnership

As always thank you to The Franklin Partnership as they help us make sense of the issues as the uncertainty our shops are facing continues to grow.

  • CDC and EEOC Testing and Vaccination Requirements
  • CDC Reopening Guidelines
  • Federal Unemployment Insurance Challenges
  • PPP Loan Update
  • Infrastructure Talks Status
  • Tax Increase Timeline
  • Supply Chain Disruptions



Employers May Be Able To Scrap Mask Mandates For Fully Vaccinated Workers: A 7-Step Blueprint to Overcome Risks and Hurdles


Fisher Phillips logo

The announcement yesterday from the CDC that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any non-healthcare setting was a welcome relief for all Americans and a hopeful sign that we have turned a significant corner with the COVID-19 pandemic. But the announcement included an important caveat – that the guidance did not overrule federal law,
workplace guidance, local business restrictions, or state, local, or other similar regulations. And because the CDC’s announcement offered no specific guidance for employers, many workplaces may feel unsure how to proceed. The good news is that the new rules seem to offer a path forward for those employers that want to proceed to a mask-less workplace – but such a path involves some
risks to consider and hurdles to overcome. There’s a seven-step blueprint for employers to get to that point.



Technical Tuesday Webinar Series

Understanding 5-axis Work Offset Transformations

Alex Hanby, ESPRIT CAM


With so many 5-axis work offset transformations available, each having their own advantages, it can be difficult to know which option is better suited to meet your manufacturing needs. This webinar will visually demonstrate how each transformation works, discuss their limitations/strengths, and examine any relative machine parameters that should be considered.



WEBINAR: PMPA Illinois and Wisconsin Chapter’s Legislative Roundtable


If you missed our discussion of federal, state and local legislative and regulatory issues that affect the daily operations of PMPA members in the State of Illinois and Wisconsin by Omar Nashashibi, Founding Partner of The Franklin Partnership, PMPA’s Legislative Affairs then click the button below to see what you missed! 



WEBINAR: Ohio Chapters Legislative Roundtable


If you missed our discussion of federal, state and local legislative and regulatory issues that affect the daily operations of PMPA members in the State of Ohio by John Guzik, Founding Partner of The Franklin Partnership, PMPA’s Legislative Affairs then click the button below to see what you missed! 



90 Day Game Plan: Avoiding Common Pitfalls When Implementing a Machine Monitoring System

Akshat Thirani from Amper Technologies


As demand for manufacturing capacity increases, more and more precision manufacturers are exploring what machine monitoring systems have to offer. However, there are many mistakes factories make while implementing machine monitoring that prevents them from ever getting off the ground or reaching their full productivity potential. Join Amper CEO, Akshat Thirani, as he walks you through some key takeaways the Amper team has learned from conducting dozens of machine monitoring implementations. He’ll reveal why common implementations fail & provide a 90 day game plan to ensure a successful machine monitoring implementation.



PMPA Business Trends March 2021


The PMPA March 2021 Business Trends Report showed an increase in Net Sales Indicator of 16.9 percent, to a new record high of 152. Interestingly, the hours of production scheduled increased just 0.6 hour or 1.4 percent.

64 percent of shops scheduled overtime in March. The Business Trends Sales Index outperformed  the Federal Reserve’s Total Industrial Production, and manufacturing production indicators for March. Quarter4 2020 to Quarter 1 2021 our Index rose 7.03% while the Fed reported Q4 2020 to Q1 2021 GDP to have increased 6.4% annualized.

The actual performance and forward looking sentiment of our responding shops continues to reinforce our positive outlook for business as long as we can obtain necessary raw materials and supplies.





Employers May Claim Tax Credit For Providing COVID-19 Vaccination Paid Leave, With Qualifications


Fisher Phillips logo


In an attempt to boost the nation’s COVID-19 vaccination rate, President Joe Biden announced yesterday that small- and medium-sized employers offering vaccine-related paid leave will be eligible for a significant tax credit. The tax credit will fully offset the cost of providing paid time off to employees not only to get inoculated but also for any time needed to recover from vaccination side
effects. As explained below, however, obtaining this tax credit is not entirely new, nor is it free of related requirements.



Your Employees Are Vaccinated – Now What?


Fisher Phillips logo

COVID-19 vaccinations passed the 200-million mark in the United States last week, which means certain workforces might have the majority of employees fully vaccinated. In recent months, we’ve discussed guidance from the EEOC and California’s DFEH regarding COVID-19 vaccine mandates, vaccine incentives, tracking employee vaccinations, and even vaccine passports. However, the
question remains — what measures can employers take once employees are vaccinated?

Other than input on requiring “proof” of vaccination, there is limited guidance on what employers may do or say about employees’ vaccination status. Consistent with other challenges employers have faced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccinations in the workplace present new and unique privacy considerations. You must maintain a safe workplace while balancing the privacy interests of employees, customers, and the public. Below we tackle some of the vaccination-related questions
many employers are grappling with.