Released September 26, 2022
Miles Free and Renee Merker, Director of Communications and Events give listeners a peek into what to expect from the upcoming Annual Meeting in Tucson, Arizona!
Author: Joe Jackson
Released September 26, 2022
Miles Free and Renee Merker, Director of Communications and Events give listeners a peek into what to expect from the upcoming Annual Meeting in Tucson, Arizona!
3rd Generation Family Owned Steel Company Provides Supply Chain Solutions
A wide ranging discussion of Eaton’s capabilities and current issues in the SBQ steel bar market.
Released September 21, 2022
Released September 12, 2022
Miles Free and Carli Kistler-Miller talk about all you need to know – and why you need to know – about Bessemer Steel in your shop.
Precision Cleaning Solutions for the Next Generation of Parts
Interview with Jay Nawani & Jimmy Williams of Jayco Cleaning Technologies
Released September 7, 2022
Released September 5, 2022
Miles Free puts W. Worthington Treasure in the interview chair as they discuss the approach to productivity improvement, Miles’s recent article in Production Machining magazine and much more
Published September 1, 2022
The dental equipment and supplies manufacturing industry has been one of the steadiest industries that our precision shops serve. The dental equipment and supplies manufacturing industry has been within 1% of its total value of shipments since 2013.
Top 5 Companies
Published September 1, 2022
This summer, I was at my nephew’s little league baseball game and I could hear the coaches plan their strategy. I know enough about baseball to be dangerous. I understood why the coaches wanted so-and-so to bunt, the pitcher to face a certain batter or the outfield to play deep. And it hit me. Strategy and teamwork can exist separately, but working together can achieve positive results. That’s how it works in our shops!
Coaches have a plan going into the game. However, because things don’t always go as planned, the coaches also update strategy for the situation developing in front of them. In business, we have the same challenges. We can create a strategic plan, develop all our tactics, plans and deadlines and then … BAM … a virus hits, the price of gas skyrockets or the government imposes new tariffs. Much like baseball, businesses need to look at the situation in front of them, update their strategies and work together to make it happen.
The game of baseball cannot be played without all the players. You need the pitcher, catcher, infielders, outfielders and hitters to accomplish the goal of winning. It’s not just enough to put them on the field, but they need to know how to work together to achieve a common goal. They need to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses — so-and-so is fast and will steal second if the batter takes a pitch. They need to know they can count on each other — the shortstop will cover second when the second baseman runs to field a ball. They need to communicate with each other — call for the ball when you have the pop-up so teammates don’t collide.
Think about how those statements translate to your shop. How does your team work together? Do they know each other’s capabilities? Can they count on each other? Are they effectively communicating? Saying you have a team and having employees that work like a team are two different things.
Read: ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Working with Precision Turned Parts
So how do strategy and teamwork work together? Watch a baseball coach as he gives a batter signs — that’s the coach communicating the strategy to the batter. The team meets before the game to learn the strategy and after the game to determine what worked and what didn’t work. The shortstop yells the number of outs and the base to throw to get the strategic out. The catcher sends the pitcher signs with the strategic pitch for that particular batter. Get the message? The strategy must be communicated. Everyone must know and understand it. And it must be repeated — don’t assume everyone heard it once and understands. Does a particular customer need something a certain way? Does a part need something special? Does an employee understand their position in the strategy?
When shop owners and managers (coaches) communicate strategy, and employees (team) know how to work with each other to implement the strategy, then everybody wins.
Carli Kistler-Miller, MBA has over 25 years of experience with
communications, event/meeting planning, marketing, writing and
operations. Email: gro.apmp@rellimc — Website:
Published September 1, 2022
From time to time, our customers ask our shops to quote on Bessemer steel for legacy military (MIL STD, MIL Spec) and Federal (Fed STD, FED Spec) applications. Typically, the requests are for B-1113 — a Bessemer Steel. The B- prefix indicates that the steel grade is produced by the Basic Bessemer process. Higher sulfur Bessemer steels were developed to produce consistently higher machinability performance which is critical for high-speed production of large quantities of identical parts using screw machines.
The Bessemer Process was a pneumatic (air blown) method of converting blast furnace iron to steel. It came into use in the late 1800s — first in England, then in the United States.
There were two primary Bessemer processes, depending on the type of refractories available. The original process was acid — linings for the converters were lined with ordinary clay. The successor process was called the Basic process. The refractories used for this Basic process were limestone/dolomite. The Basic process became the primary process commercially due to its longer life in the tuyeres (providing the air blast) and the vessel bottom. It also provided for an improved “control” of phosphorus and removal of impurities in its higher volume slag.
The acid process was discontinued early in the 20th century, and the Basic Bessemer process fell into decline following WWII. It was replaced by production from Open Hearth, Basic Oxygen and Electric Furnace processes.
One feature of the Bessemer process was its inability to remove phosphorus from iron, so typical Bessemer analyses included a 0.07-0.12 weight percent phosphorus. This phosphorus helps to embrittle the chip in machining, which is why the replacement grades for the Bessemer B11XX steels specify a range of phosphorus. The replacement steels were the 12XX steels, and today we find that 1215 and 12L14 are the heirs to the Bessemer B11XX series steel. The 12XX steels are called resulfurized (added sulfur) and rephosphorized (added phosphorus) to achieve the same chip-forming machining response as the original high phosphorus, resulfurized Bessemer steels.
The Bessemer steels were also saturated with atmospheric nitrogen as they were blown with atmospheric air. This also helped to embrittle the chip. Accordingly, the 12XX replacement grades can be ordered as nonre-nitrogenized (no deliberate addition of nitrogen). Or they can be ordered as renitrogenized — the higher nitrogen further embrittling the chip. Caution should be used when a precision machined part will have subsequent cold work after machining — staking, swaging, crimping, planishing and more — as the embrittling effect of the nitrogen (in combination with the phosphorus) that aids chip separation also impedes cold metal movement in the machined part.
My information confirms that the Bessemer (B-series) steels fell out of favor shortly after World War II, with perhaps one eastern J&L mill producing Bessemer screw stock at the end of the 1950s.
12L14 and 1215 are the currently available replacements for the Bessemer resulfurized grades. Their rephosphorized, resulfurized and possibly renitrogenized composition was developed to make them a drop-in replacement for the no longer available Bessemer screw stocks.
Here’s the bottom line — no Bessemer steel is produced today. None is available in inventory.
Read: ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Working with Precision Turned Parts
The commercially available 1215 and 12L14 grades of steel have been used as replacements/substitutes for various Bessemer resulfurized grades on obsolete federal government prints throughout my career as laboratory supervisor, plant metallurgist and director of quality, technology and development director at USS, Bliss & Laughlin Steel, Bar Technologies, Republic Steel and PMPA. Both 12L14 and 1215 will give comparable properties and performance compared to B1113.
Miles Free III is the PMPADirector of Industry Affairs with over 40 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality, and steelmaking. He helps answer “How?, “With what?” and “Really?” Miles’ blog is at; email – gro.apmp@eerfm; website –
September 2022
Craftsman’s Cribsheet #110
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