A Reflection on 50 Years in Manufacturing

Miles Free III shares his stories and the lessons learned over 50 years in manufacturing.

by Miles Free III

Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Published October 1, 2023

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Literally everything in the sinter plant was lethal in some fashion: horsepower of the conveyor belts, toxicity of the dusts, contact with hot sinter, high voltage in the controls.  Even the spillage we were shoveling was slippery and could cause you to fall into moving equipment. Guards were in place around everything, as were cable limit switches to affect an immediate disconnect of equipment to power.

Lesson learned — When everything around you can kill you, paying attention to safety is the first priority.

New Technology
I moved up to blast furnace burden clerk in 1976 where I had to prepare a daily report of the hot metal (iron) produced by our blast furnaces.  It was arithmetic, how much did the ladle car weigh “empty” and how much after tap, and then weight of all cars summed for the day.  

But to report this involved using a machine with a rotating drum to clip in the paper that connected to the handset of our dial telephone to transmit the report to corporate headquarters.

This machine — it was called a fax machine — required that a very soft pencil be used to assure maximum contrast and would take about three minutes to scan and send the document to the machine on the other end. This was an amazing labor savings compared to having to teletype the entire report, as was done previously.

Lesson learned — New technology is your friend and frees you up to do more valuable work.

I transferred to the Lorain Cuyahoga works in 1978 in anticipation of the Youngstown mills being closed. One of the reasons for the closing of the steel mills in Mahoning County was a new rule from a new agency called the EPA.  The EPA was created by Richard Nixon on December 2, 1970, to protect human health and the environment.  

The Clean Water Act of 1972 (actually a compendium of amendments to the 1948 Federal Water Pollution Control Act) sounded the death knell for the steel plants that discharged both thermal and chemical loads into the Mahoning River. The river — which had never frozen in winter in my family’s memory over three generations — was now being held to what was called a “cold water fishery standard.” 

At Lorain, I started once again back in the labor gang, moved to mobile equipment operator, then department clerk, before getting a chance to go into environmental engineering.  At Lorain, the Coke plant was threatened with shutdowns if we didn’t find a way to significantly reduce visible air emissions. I was part of the team created to develop and implement a new process called stage charging, and the emissions were brought to a level that allowed the coke plant to operate for many more years.

Lesson learned — Sustainability isn’t bad, but we have to manage for the greatest good, not the immediate and expedient outcome that we think we want.

Quality — Threat Becomes Opportunity
In 1984, I was among the 200 first-line supervisors and salaried personnel who were discharged due to competition from the Japanese steel makers making us redundant.  We had just started corporate training on statistical process control (SPC) and I was pleased to have earned my certificates before the discharge notices came.

My immediate superior had arranged for me to interview for a job at a customer, and while I had a great interview, all hiring was on hold due to a corporate buy-out and restructuring. So, I attended community college for more coursework on machining, statistics, and quality control. When the hiring freeze thawed, I joined Bliss and Laughlin Steel and started implementing SPC at our Medina, Ohio, plant.  

Success leads to success — that’s a lesson from manufacturing as well — and I was promoted to manager customer service at our newest plant, where I led our team to earn the first Ford Q-1 Quality Systems Award to be awarded to a non-integrated steel mill. We displaced the Japanese steel suppliers at the Ford plants that used our cold drawn steel bars, logging several consecutive years of zero PPM at many of our other automotive customers.  

At that time, I was active on the PMPA’s Quality Committee, authoring white papers, and sharing and networking with others to help us all retool our management methods to better control and assure quality.

Lesson learned — Adversity is an opportunity for improvement, an opportunity for team work to get an important job done, and a chance for a career upgrade for all involved.

Lesson of Lessons — Manufacturing Is Really About Continuous Improvement
It’s been 50 years, and while I am now a staffer at a manufacturing association, I am still on the shop floor — virtually or in person almost every day.  What U.S. material is equivalent to this European designation? How to clean steel bars that have been contaminated from improper storage?  How to eliminate staining on plated parts? Why are my stainless-steel bars magnetic? These are the kinds of member questions I’m privileged to answer at PMPA.
In 50 years, I have come a long way from being paid for my labor and ability to lift a shovel full of iron ore or Coke breeze with an MSA-approved respirator over my face.  

But this didn’t happen by accident. It happened — despite the circumstances, the plant closings, the lay-offs, and other uncontrollable situations — because of a vision to improve what I knew.  To learn more. To apply it. And to commit to achieving my highest and best use. At one time, I just wanted to work in the laboratory. Well, I got to be the foreman of the laboratory. But manufacturing has a higher and better use for all of us — perhaps one we don’t even know that exists yet.

All we have to do is use our superpower.  What is the superpower we have as manufacturers? Showing up. You cannot make a difference if you don’t show up. Just show up. Magic doesn’t happen sitting at home or idle on the street. It shows up when you are doing your job, and another opportunity beckons. A threat that needs to be overcome. You are the bench. Raise your hand. Do your very best. Learn and apply.

Lesson learned: Continuous improvement is the way of manufacturing. Improve and thrive. Show up. Learn. Improve. Succeed. May not be guaranteed, but after 50 years, it’s the way I’d bet on.





Miles Free III is the PMPA Director of Industry Affairs with over 50 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality and steelmaking. Miles’ podcast is at pmpa.org/podcast. Email Miles


Roles of Women in Manufacturing Series: IT in Manufacturing: Bridget Casey and Missy Gedridge

Two women share their journeys to IT in manufacturing, and give advice to anyone seeking a career in manufacturing.

by Carli Kistler-Miller

Director of Programs & Marketing, PMPA

Published October 1, 2023

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Information Technology (IT) empowers precision machining shops to operate with higher precision, accuracy and efficiency. Bridget Casey is the global manager for information systems and technology for Bracalente Manufacturing Group in Trumbauersville, Pennsylvania. Missy Gedridge is the customer service/IT for EMC Precision in Elyria, Ohio. Both women share their journeys to manufacturing.
Bridget Casey’s Journey
During the summer between her junior and senior year at Bloomsburg University in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, Bridget served as a supply chain intern with Bracalente. During her internship, she lead a project of upgrading Bracalente’s ERP system which ignited her career in IT. When asked about her favorite part of her job, Bridget responds, “It is getting to work with each department of my company to integrate new technology into their daily processes and help them become more efficient and remove nonvalue added activities.”

Missy Gedridge’s Journey
Missy started as a temp working in the shipping department. After eight weeks, she was hired full time. While working, she earned a certificate in computer maintenance and networking from Lorain County Community College just about the time that EMC Precision was preparing for Y2K. Missy let the owner know about her certificate and she was placed on the implementation team for the new ERP system. She remained in IT for about six years and earned an associate’s degree in computer maintenance, A+ certification and an associate’s in digital forensics. Missy states, “In manufacturing I’m continually being challenged. I’m part of a team while continually learning and growing. It’s so rewarding.”

Advice to Women (or Anyone) Seeking a Career in Manufacturing
Bridget says, “Manufacturing has opened my eyes to see how things around the world are made and how valuable little metal parts can be to saving and maintaining lives.”

Missy’s advice is, “If it interests you and makes you curious, you should find out your next steps to get there. Don’t be discouraged. If you feel you encounter a road block, seek help in unblocking it. Most importantly, be yourself.”





Carli Kistler-Miller, MBA has over 25 years of experience with
communications, event/meeting planning, marketing, writing and
operations. Email: gro.apmp@rellimc — Website: pmpa.org.

PMPA Speaking of Precision Podcast:

The 2023 Mastery Program New England Tour Experience

Miles Free, Carli Kistler-Miller and David Wynn talk about their mind-blowing experiences on the most recent tour for PMPA’s Mastery Program where the cohort visited TEN PMPA member shops and suppliers in the New England area.


Published October 2, 2023



STATE OF MANUFACTURING – Arizona Manufacturing

by Joe Jackson

Marketing & Events Assistant, PMPA

Published September 1, 2023

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Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing is a subsector of manufacturing that makes critical goods from metal components.

Precision Turned Products Manufacturing is a subsector of fabricated metal product manufacturing that makes the components that MAKE IT WORK!



Arizona Manufacturing
NAICS 31-33

Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing

Precision Turned Product Manufacturing
NACIS 332721


Manufacturing Is Productivity – 8.51% of the Arizona’s total output (GDP)

Manufacturing Builds Businesses – 4,051 manufacturing establishments are in the state of Arizona.

Manufacturing Creates Jobs – Jobs: 6.05% of all Arizona employees are in the manufacturing sector. (182,000 employees)

Arizona has added 14,100 jobs in manufacturing over the last year, a growth rate of 7.8%, more than double the U.S. rate of 3.7%



Manufacturing produces for ARIZONA!

  • Manufacturing is the fifth largest GDP producer in Arizona, but since 2015 has shown a growth rate of 6.5%, which is double the U.S. Manufacturing growth rate.
  • Fabricated metals is the fourth largest manufacturing sector in Arizona.


Arizona is a great place for a career in manufacturing

  • Manufacturing jobs pay on average 32% over the average jobs in Arizona. (according to NAM.org)
  • At the end of 2022, more than 11,000 manufacturing jobs are unfulled in Arizona.


Sources: NAM.org, US Census, Statista.com, azcommerce,com, azmanufacturerscouncil.com.

Data selected to show relative values. May not be directly comparable due to differences in sampling, analysis, or date obtained.





Joe Jackson

Marketing & Events Assistant, PMPA

Email: gro.apmp@noskcajj — Website: pmpa.org.

Slings — Critical Infrastructure in Your Shop

Safe sling use is critical for a safe work environment.

by Miles Free III

Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Published September 1, 2023

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Synthetic web slings, cable slings and alloy chain slings carry most, if not all, of the raw materials over the machines and equipment in our shops. Slings may also be used to move other items and are generally used with an overhead crane. It would not be uncommon for lifts of a ton or more to be carried by slings — 2,000-pound bundles of bar stock for machining are common. A sling failing while carrying that much would cause catastrophic damage to the machines and equipment below. And if the bars rebound, they could strike employees causing injury or death, even though they were not directly below the lift.  

Here is a review of OSHA guidance and best practices that I have observed to ensure safe usage of synthetic web slings, which are the most frequently encountered type of slings encountered in our shops.

OSHA requires that new slings be marked by the manufacturer to show the rated load for each type of hitch and the type of material used. Additional markings may include the manufacturer’s stock number or code as well as the name and trademark of the manufacturer.

Best practice: to facilitate tracking for inspection purposes, I have seen shops assign a unique sling identifier. Identifiers can be by date purchased and a shop-created sling number, or by department or area used and sling number.


Inspections must be performed daily before use, but also at defined intervals based on service and duty.

According to OSHA’s guidance document, periodic inspections must be made at intervals no greater than 12 months. Normal service use would merit an annual periodic inspection. Monthly or quarterly additional inspection is indicated where slings are subject to severe service use, and for slings used infrequently or for special service, as recommended by a qualified person.
The point of an inspection is to ensure that damaged or defective slings are immediately removed from service to prevent accident or injury. The inspection must be performed by a competent or qualified person. Under the 1926 construction standard, a competent person is one “who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them” (OSHA link: bit.ly/PMPA-PM0923a).

The general industry (1910) standard defines a qualified person as one who “…by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter and work” (OSHA link: bit.ly/PMPA-PM0923b).

No one should be using slings until trained to recognize existing hazards which would be dangerous and has been authorized to take prompt corrective action. Have you trained all of your employees to recognize hazards and dangers and authorized them to take immediate necessary action?

Inspection Criteria
So what are some conditions that would merit removing the sling from service immediately? Most frequently encountered in our shops would likely be slings showing holes, tears, cuts, snags, excessive abrasive wear, evidence of chemical or thermal burns, melting or charring on any part of the sling. The presence of knots in any part of the sling are also cause for immediate removal from service, as it is evidence of discoloration and brittle areas, or other conditions that “cause doubt” as to the continued use of the sling. Missing identification is also noted as grounds for removal from service. This list is not complete, but it covers the most likely and frequently observed conditions in small manufacturing shops.

Inspection Best Practices
What has remained out of reach of most shops has been a way to see if the periodic inspection of a web sling has been performed. It’s unwieldy to look up inspection records on paper or even online, so it is unlikely to be followed. However, I was impressed with the following best practice encountered on our PMPA Mastery Program Tour visit to Mazak in Florence, Kentucky. At Mazak, the periodic inspection status of every lifting device (web slings as well as cables and alloy chains) was displayed by the use of a color-coded nylon cable tie secured around one side of the “eye” or the sling fitting. The color code showed the most recent additional inspection period status — if the proper color for the latest period was not attached, the employee could see this instantly. The cable tie provides immediate visual inspection status while providing no hazard to the sling or its use.

Slings provide critical operational support for our shops. They also hold the potential for great damage and personal injury should they fail. Follow the guidance above to keep your operations safe. Use color coded cable ties as a visual management indicator of sling inspection status — a best practice for shop safety, operations and visual management.





Miles Free III is the PMPA Director of Industry Affairs with over 50 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality and steelmaking. Miles’ podcast is at pmpa.org/podcast. Email Miles