STATE OF MANUFACTURING – Kentucky Manufacturing

by Joe Jackson

Marketing & Events Assistant, PMPA

Published February 1, 2024

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Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing is a subsector of manufacturing that makes critical goods from metal components.

Precision Turned Products Manufacturing is a subsector of fabricated metal product manufacturing that makes the components that MAKE IT WORK!



Kentucky Manufacturing
NAICS 31-33

Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing

Precision Turned Product Manufacturing
NAICS 332721


Manufacturing Is Productivity –17.39% of the Kentucky total output (GDP)

Manufacturing Builds Businesses –3,233 manufacturing establishments in the state of Kentucky.

Manufacturing Creates Jobs – 13.16% of all Kentucky employees are in the manufacturing sector. (250,000 employees)

Manufacturing produces for Kentucky!

  • Manufacturing is the largest GDP Producer in Kentucky.
  • Fabricated metals rank the 4th of the manufacturing sector in Kentucky.

Kentucky is a great place for a career in manufacturing

  • Manufacturing jobs pay on average 33% over the average job in Kentucky. (according to
  • Louisville is Kentucky’s top city for manufacturing. Louisville is home to over 67,000 manufacturing jobs and ranks first in the USA for manufacturing growth..


Sources:, US Census,
Data selected to show relative values. May not be directly comparable due to differences in sampling, analysis, or date obtained.






Joe Jackson

Marketing & Events Assistant, PMPA

Email: gro.apmp@noskcajj — Website:

Do You Have A Plan Or A Wish? Strategic Planning | Part 1

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Expery

by Carli Kistler-Miller

Director of Programs & Marketing, PMPA

Published February 1, 2024

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We all have goals both personal and professional. “I want to go to Austria.” “I want to workout more.” “I want to be able to give my employees a raise.” “I want to sell 90% of my machine time.” All of these “wants” are only wishes without a plan. And when it comes to business, those goals are achievable through a strategic plan that is carefully crafted, implemented and evaluated.

Creating A Strategic Plan

There can be several levels to a strategic plan, but the “bones” are:

• Goals — what you want to achieve (the destination)
• Strategy — how you are going to achieve the goal (the map)
• Tactics — what needs to be done to follow strategy.(the actions taken to follow the map)
• Deadlines — the expected timeframe to achieve tactics
• Owners — (not to be confused with the shop owner) the point person in charge of making sure the tactics are completed within the allotted timeframe. Th e owner may need others to complete the task.

A strategic plan should not be created in a vacuum. To build a truly dynamic plan, gather a group of stakeholders who can provide different perspectives. Stakeholders can be management, machinists, customers, sales, quality, IT, marketing — anyone whose perspective can help shape a viable plan. For example, creating a goal of integrating a new ERP system may be desired, but without the input of someone from IT, the feasibility, tactics and deadlines would be difficult to determine.

The example to the right is a simple outline of one goal in a strategic plan for a medium size shop. Keep in mind, a strategic plan should have at least three goals. (Thank you to Henning Industrial Software for their assistance with this article.)





Carli Kistler-Miller, MBA has over 25 years of experience with
communications, event/meeting planning, marketing, writing and
operations. Email: gro.apmp@rellimc — Website:

How Do You Know What To Do Next?

Do modern, quality tools provide an answer?

by Miles Free III

Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Published February 1, 2024

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How do you know what to do next? Seriously. Do you follow specific work instructions? Standard work? A process flow chart? Just habit? What if the usual stimulus is not present? How do you decide what to do next?
Theodore Roosevelt isn’t quoted or often remembered these days, but my grandfather shared a quote that is often attributed to Teddy: ”In any moment of decision, the best thing that you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” So, let’s just consider this quote and see how it can apply to our work, and our shops’ success.

The Best Thing That You Can Do Is The Right Thing
Well, that seems obvious. Do the right thing. Ok. What is the right thing to do? In this exact moment, how will we know? Th at is the issue. How do we know, judge or determine what is the right thing to do?
“In the first place, do no harm,” comes to mind, providing us a guard rail or signpost on what we should or shouldn’t do. If it doesn’t protect the customer — the entity that brings our business demand then it is clearly the wrong thing to do. But doing no harm could also be taken as an instruction to do nothing. And that, Teddy states, is the worst thing. So, we need more than just a prohibition on doing harm. Operating at our highest and best use is one of my foundational principles. This tells me to do, but not what to do. We can do things that are within our scope — our responsibilities and authorities. But what to do?

This is where the tools of quality really help. Standard work tells us the What, the When and the How. Standard work is by definition the current best practice for performing a process. When combined with the practice of continuous improvement, it will answer the question that most entrepreneurs mistakenly ask when trying to decide what to do next…“What can I do that will make me the most money?” Th is is absolutely the wrong question, as shown by how it worked out when employed by the folks at Enron. We all know how that ended.

After the standard work is completed, perhaps your organization has (or needs) standing instructions. “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean,” was the motto at one of my early jobs. It stands the test of time and I wonder what other similar wisdom might be added to make a list of standing instructions for our precision machining shops? 

When I set out to write this piece, I was sure that “do the next best thing” would be the inevitable conclusion. But Teddy’s dictum —“doing the wrong thing is better than doing nothing” — gives me pause. In my world, we are performers not employees, and our pay is compensation for our performance. To perform is to do something, not for us to do nothing. And certainly not for us to do the wrong thing.

So back to the initial question how do we know what to do next? In our shops, the ERP, the scheduling software, the foreman or the production planner will generally have this covered. But those moments between jobs, projects and assignments…how do we know?

On our PMPA Mastery Program visits last year, we visited several shops that were practicing not 5-S, but
6-S. What is 6-S? Well, in the United States, we all know “safety first,” so add to that the 5-S method — Sort. Set in order. Shine. Standardize. Sustain. Takes that “time to lean, time to clean” to another level, indeed. So perhaps, as shown on the shop tours we made, 6-S is indeed our industry’s standing instructions.

The initial question was how do we know what to do next? My anticipated answer was “do the next best thing.” Perhaps when we are not at work that answer will do. But frankly, it seems vague and also highly dependent on one’s own values. But having reflected on this, I am certain that when no other work has been assigned, following the 6-S method in the area for which we have responsibility just might be that “next best thing.” What do you think? I would love to get your take (my email is below.)




Miles Free III is the PMPA Director of Industry Affairs with over 50 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality and steelmaking. Miles’ podcast is at Email Miles


PMPA Craftsman Cribsheet #123:
ISO (Inch) Milling Identification

Our example insert is SEKT 33AEEN.

Published January 1, 2024

By David Wynn, Technical Services Manager, PMPA

Download Cribsheet









David Wynn

David Wynn, MBA, is the PMPA Technical Services Manager with over 20 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality, ownership, IT and economics. Email: gro.apmp@nnywd — Website:

STATE OF MANUFACTURING – Alabama Manufacturing

by Joe Jackson

Marketing & Events Assistant, PMPA

Published January 1, 2024

Download Magazine Article

Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing is a subsector of manufacturing that makes critical goods from metal components.

Precision Turned Products Manufacturing is a subsector of fabricated metal product manufacturing that makes the components that MAKE IT WORK!



Alabama Manufacturing
NAICS 31-33

Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing

Precision Turned Product Manufacturing
NAICS 332721


Manufacturing Is Productivity –16.21% of the Alabama total output (GDP)

Manufacturing Builds Businesses –3,695 manufacturing establishments in the state of Alabama.

Manufacturing Creates Jobs – 13.11% of all Alabama employees are in the manufacturing sector. (270,000 employees)

Manufacturing produces for Alabama!

  • Manufacturing is the second largest GDP Producer in Alabama.
  • Fabricated metals make up 15% of the manufacturing sector in Alabama.

Alabama is a great place for a career in manufacturing

  • Manufacturing jobs pay on average 30% over the average job in Alabama. (according to
  • Alabama’s top cities for manufacturing jobs are Birmingham, Huntsville and Montgomery, collectively combining over 70,000 jobs.


Sources NAMorg, lndustrySelectcom, US Census,
Data selected to show relative values. May not be directly comparable due to differences in sampling, analysis, or date obtained






Joe Jackson

Marketing & Events Assistant, PMPA

Email: gro.apmp@noskcajj — Website:

A No/Low-Cost Solution to Employee Retention

Studies show a little employee recognition goes a long way.
Here are the 5Ws to consider for success.

by Carli Kistler-Miller

Director of Programs & Marketing, PMPA

Published January 1, 2024

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What retention technique is easy to do, takes little eff ort and fits in the budget? Employee recognition. According to Gallup’s 2022 Workhuman report,
“One of the best ways to engage and inspire employees is to recognize them”


Money may be getting tight.
Recruitment may be more challenging. It’s cheaper and easier to keep an employee than to hire a new one. Employees have experience and knowledge worth keeping. Additionally, here are some of Gallup’s findings about great recognition experiences:

• Employees are 20 times more likely to be engaged.
• Th e “little things” are most commonly recognized.
• Employees are 3.8 times more likely to equate recognition to a connection to company culture.


The person giving the recognition can be a supervisor, management, owner, co-worker or customer. Anyone who has an actual connection to the work.


The message should be authentic and sincere. The recognition should be about a specific behavior. Instead of “great job,” be clear: “You had the lowest downtime on the floor this week. Great job.” It shows the employee is being noticed for their work/behavior and gives value to the recognition.

Where and When

The timing of the recognition depends on the type of recognition. Determine if the recognition is more appropriate for public or private delivery.

• Public: annual picnic, holiday party or function where all employees attend. Daily or weekly huddles/meetings could be appropriate. On company bulletin boards or shop monitors.
• Private: employee reviews or impromptu when witnessing good work.


There are many forms of recognition both physical and verbal. Some ideas are:

• Posting acknowledgement or positive customer feedback on employee bulletin board or shop floor monitors.
• A place for co-workers to post recognition of other co-workers (for example, bulletin board with slips of paper employees can write on and pin to the board.)
• Making a point to notice good work and recognizing it on the spot. (for example, “You are doing a great job keeping your area clean. Thank you.)
• Employee “shout outs” or “spotlights” at a daily or monthly meeting/huddle.
• Lunch voucher or gift card.
• Certificates or plaques.

It is important not to take each other for granted. Recognizing good work is contagious, rewarding and helps retain employees. It’s part of company culture. By the way…You earned a gold star for caring enough about your company culture to read this column. Great job!




Carli Kistler-Miller, MBA has over 25 years of experience with
communications, event/meeting planning, marketing, writing and
operations. Email: gro.apmp@rellimc — Website:

New Thinking from the New Generation
for the New Year

“We have to learn to think in a new way.”
—Albert Einstein

by Miles Free III

Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Published January 1, 2024

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Rather than inaugurate this year with a list of resolutions or prognostications that may or may not be of interest or value, I’d like to share some of the new thinking
from the new generation of industry leaders that I have encountered over the past year. Trigger warning: if you are a fan of continuous improvement, this article’s message may be a bit unexpected.

Incremental Improvement
I met Max Kocher, production manager of grinding at Paul Horn, while visiting Horn Technology Days, and was impressed by the aspirations that were built into his thinking. Max is a convincingly positive ambassador for the company’s commitment to culture and craft, but shocked me when he spoke dismissively of continuous improvement. Here is what he said: “Incremental improvement is insufficient for the future that we intend.”

As a practitioner and leader of continuous improvement, I found it humbling to fi nd that my incremental improvement philosophy had suddenly become “insufficient” in the eyes and mind of this new-generation production manager. Incremental, continuous improvement has been my daily experience and top priority in manufacturing — and life — since being separated from U.S. Steel in 1984, when the domestic steel mills were losing the quality battle against foreign mills. Continuous improvement and statistical and quality tools helped us to win back that business and create processes operating at zero parts per million across multiple years for our automotive production processes. Continuous improvement was sufficient for me.

Max quotes Wolfgang Grupp CEO at Trigema to explain. “Mr. Grupp says, ‘If you have a big problem, you are an idiot. Every big problem was once a small problem.
Fix it when it’s small.’”

This is puzzling. Fixing it when it is small sounds a lot like incremental improvement to me. But Max explains that small problems should not even be tolerated — they should be eradicated, not incrementally improved.

Root causes should be identified and eliminated. No incremental improvement bandages. Intolerance for
insufficient processes. Confronting and eliminating them. Eliminating small problems is not incremental improvement in this worldview. It is a professional obligation.
Th is view does not exactly match my mental model of incremental improvement. Does it match yours?
Wouldn’t we be happy to reduce the impact of a small problem in our process, even if we had not eliminated it? Incremental, continuous improvement, right? Not so.
Max and his mentor are giving us a new value: intolerance for process failures. I will embrace my ‘intolerance’ in this new year. Will you join me?

But Wait, There’s More
Max’s vision also evidences a recalibration of our motivation and intention, “…is insufficient for the future we intend.” Give that a few minutes of thought. “Th e future we intend.” What is the role of intention in our manufacturing practice? With serious reflection, one can get fairly easily to the idea that they intend to make good parts. Th at they intend to not cause waste or excess scrap. Th at they intend to identify some improvements to reduce costs and help sustain the business as a commercial enterprise.
These ideas do not sound like they are anywhere near the “future that we intend” vision that Max has shared.

What Does That Future Look Like?
Here is a glimpse of the Horn view – of the present – from CEO Markus Horn, “We will continue to develop and master the tools needed embrace the technological advancements and new developments in physics that will shape the future … of the world:’

Embrace technological advancements and new developments in physics – nothing is incremental in these words. These words show a vision that is far more ambitious than a mere “better tomorrow than it was today” worldview. These words evidence a commitment to mastery- not only of our culture, craft, and processes, but a commitment to challenge the very limits of our scientific knowledge that we might provide; not better products for our customers to buy, but better solutions to our customers’ problems. Solutions that might not even resemble our current product offerings.

What is the Future That You Intend?
Is it just like today, only a little bit better? That was my thinking until my conversation with Max and with Markus. Until I met this new generation and considered their thinking. Thank you, Max and Markus, for challenging me to reconsider, “What is exactly the future that I intend?” Our approach needs to be a much more aggressive vision of what must and needs to be done, if it is to be worthy of our investment, time, and attention.

What is the future that you intend? Will you get there, a single step at a time? Tradition suggests yes. But this new generation is showing us that those steps need not be incremental, nor baby steps. Perhaps, we need to take a few leaps as well. Happy New Year, 2024. What is the future that you intend?



Miles Free III is the PMPA Director of Industry Affairs with over 50 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality and steelmaking. Miles’ podcast is at Email Miles


PMPA Craftsman Cribsheet #122:
ISO (Metric) Turning Identification

Our example insert is CCMT 060204.

Published December 1, 2023

By David Wynn, Technical Services Manager, PMPA

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David Wynn

David Wynn, MBA, is the PMPA Technical Services Manager with over 20 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality, ownership, IT and economics. Email: gro.apmp@nnywd — Website:

STATE OF MANUFACTURING – Florida Manufacturing

by Joe Jackson

Marketing & Events Assistant, PMPA

Published December 1, 2023

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Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing is a subsector of manufacturing that makes critical goods from metal components.

Precision Turned Products Manufacturing is a subsector of fabricated metal product manufacturing that makes the components that MAKE IT WORK!



Florida Manufacturing
NAICS 31-33

Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing

Precision Turned Product Manufacturing
NAICS 332721


Manufacturing Is Productivity –4.21% of the Florida total output (GDP)

Manufacturing Builds Businesses –12,418 manufacturing establishments in the state of Florida.

Manufacturing Creates Jobs – 4.33% of all Florida employees are in the manufacturing sector. (388,000 employees)

Manufacturing produces for Florida!

  • Manufacturing is the eighth largest GDP Producer in Florida.
  • Fabricated metals make up 10% of the manufacturing sector in Florida.

Florida is a great place for a career in manufacturing

  • Manufacturing jobs pay on average 19% over the average job in Florida. (according to
  • Florida’s top cities for manufacturing jobs are Jacksonville, Orlando and Miami, collectively combining over 90,000 jobs.


Sources:, US Census,, .gov,,
Data selected to show relative values. May not be directly comparable due to differences in sampling, analysis, or date obtained.





Joe Jackson

Marketing & Events Assistant, PMPA

Email: gro.apmp@noskcajj — Website:

Roles of Women in Manufacturing Series: What I Learned

Over 20 women were featured in the Roles of Women in Manufacturing series, which started in the January 2023 issue.

by Carli Kistler-Miller

Director of Programs & Marketing, PMPA

Published December 1, 2023

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I have been honored to learn about the journeys of over 20 women in the roles of machinist, engineer, human resources, education, quality, owner, marketing, shipping/receiving, management, IT and quality. I learned about many common themes with regard to career paths, advancement and advice.

Career Path

Sixty percent of the women interviewed did not pursue a job in manufacturing at the
start of their careers. Most started without any manufacturing experience and those with experience either found precision machining through a trade school or college degree. Regardless of their start, all of the women interviewed have advanced or are poised to advance in their precision machining companies.

Culture and Mentorship Are the Secret Sauce

When describing their journeys to their current positions, every woman I spoke with mentioned one or two mentors and a company culture which encourages advancement. A common thread amongst the women was an appreciation for the opportunity to learn, and the encouragement they received to pursue new skills and gratitude for advancement paths.

Advice to Women (or Anyone) Seeking a Career in Manufacturing

The sentiment was unanimous. Every woman interviewed encouraged other women to go for it, ignore the old
gender rules and don’t be afraid to try something different. Additionally, they hope women will take advantage of any learning opportunities and ask questions.
These women are proud of their career choice. They are proud of their journey. They are grateful to those who helped or are helping them along the way and encourage others to follow their path. To these incredible women, I say, “Thank you for being an inspiration.”




Carli Kistler-Miller, MBA has over 25 years of experience with
communications, event/meeting planning, marketing, writing and
operations. Email: gro.apmp@rellimc — Website: