Keeping It In The Family —
Succession Tips From Those Who Lived It, Part 2

PMPA members share some tips to avoid getting burned when passing the business torch from one family member to another.

by Carli Kistler-Miller

Director of Programs & Marketing, PMPA

Published December 1, 2024

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In the previous installment of this series, I talked to John Detterbeck, an outgoing leader, and Travis Donaldson, an incoming leader. This month, I talked to their counterparts — incoming leader, Kyle Detterbeck, and outgoing leader, Glenn Donaldson — to get their persepective on succession in a family business.

Work Your Way Up

Kyle Detterbeck is the president of Lester Detterbeck Enterprises in Iron River, Michigan. He went to college for construction management and started building houses after graduation. Once the market fell in 2008, Kyle looked to the family business for a job. His father, John Detterbeck, the president at that time, did not invite Kyle into the office for a job. To hone his problem-solving skills, Kyle worked on the shop floor for over 11 years, learning the business and how to run each machine. It’s also where he realized how much he loves manufacturing. Kyle shared the following advice:

  • Work somewhere else before you commit to the family business. It’s important to experience the employee’s perspective with a boss that isn’t related.
  • Set boundaries. Mixing family and business can be tricky. Kyle and John agreed to not talk about work outside of the shop.
  • The business is like another child for the parent and letting go may not be easy. But it’s imperative that the employees see one decision maker. The transition of leadership should be clear.
  • This decision takes a lot of consideration by all parties.

Family First

In 1989, Glenn Donaldson and his wife Joan started Donmac Precision in Foxboro, Ontario, Canada. Glenn’s first 10+ years in the industry were spent working for a business owned by brothers and their father. As Glenn states, “The dysfunctionality that was brought around from them working together was well illustrated by one of the brothers refusing to accept visits from his family shortly before he succumbed to his illness midlife.” To maintain his family, Glenn was determined that his children would not work at Donmac as a career.

However, his son, Travis, was working elsewhere and expressed interest in working at Donmac. After much deliberation, Glenn and Travis agreed to try, but promised each other that family would always come first. That promise was put to the test as the succession plan came to fruition. They had similar personalities and clashes were inevitable.
Glenn also experienced the struggle of letting go of a business that he had grown and worked at for 35 years. But he realized that if he didn’t let go then no one benefited. Both he and Travis needed a chance to grow into their next stage in life. As Glenn states, “It may be the hardest years of your business owning career … but if you perservere, like you did so far to stay in business through those unavoidable valleys … you will enjoy the personal, financial and family rewards.

Common Threads
Even though the journey was different for John, Kyle, Glenn and Travis, I did find some common threads. Emotions and personalities are a big factor when going through a succession plan. It takes years for a succession plan to come to fruition. And it’s important to remember that family is always more important than business. 




Carli Kistler-Miller, MBA has over 25 years of experience with operations, event/meeting planning, marketing, writing and communications.
Email: gro.apmp@rellimc — Website:

Composition of Steel-Reporting Practices for Unspecified Elements

Sometimes the test report shows more chemical elements than we expect. Here’s why.

by Miles Free III

Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Published December 1, 2024

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The Certified Test Reports (CTRs), or chem certifications (chemical certs), report the chemical elements and results of other testing of the steel products that we ordered. But in addition to the elements specifically required for a given steel grade, there are small amounts of other elements present. This article will explain the reporting practices and significance (or lack of significance) of these little-understood chemical ingredients or designations.
A steel grade is determined by its chemical composition. Its chemical composition is what makes the development of expected properties and performance possible. Depending on the different chemical elements present, a steel may be designated as a carbon, alloy or stainless steel grade. There are other types of steels — for example, tool steels and heat-resistant steels — but we are focusing on carbon and alloy bar steels most often encountered in our precision machining, production machining shops.
Carbon and alloy bar steels are produced, certified and sold according to a variety of ASTM Standard Specifications. These standards provide not only the requirements for the steels to meet but also the definitions of many terms that describe them and their performance. The three ASTM Standard Specifications that we consulted for this article include ASTM A 29 (latest edition) Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy, Hot Wrought; ASTM A 108 (latest edition) Standard Specification for Steel Bar, Carbon and Alloy, Cold Finished; and ASTM A 751 (latest edition): Standard Test Methods, Practices and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products. These are the foundations for defining commercial product compliance and product attributes.

Elements by any Other Name: Specified Elements
Each grade of steel has a list of chemical element ingredients that must be present for the material to be compliant and meet specification; these are called specified elements. Specified elements are present within a specified minimum and maximum range, as listed in the specification. Carbon, manganese, phosphorus and sulfur are specified elements in carbon steels. Lead can be a specified element if the steel is a leaded carbon steel. Note that due to differences in testing and analytical procedures, these minima and maxima can vary based on whether the testing is at time of heat or cast (melt) analysis, semi-finished or in the final product. Due to segregation in different types of steels, variations in some of these elements may not be cause for rejection based on product analysis. In alloy steels, alloying elements including nickel, chromium and molybdenum are common, with lead, vanadium and boron also possibly specified.
There are other chemical elements present that may or may not be reported on the certification documents. In casual conversations, these names are often substituted for one another, but each of these categories of additional chemical make up can have a different origin and, perhaps, impact. ASTM A 751: Standard Test Methods, Practices and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products authorizes the producer to report unspecified as well as specified elements on the test report. This standard defines specified elements, intentionally added unspecified elements, residual elements and trace elements. Not listed, but often used as a name for some of these categories are the terms “incidental elements” and “tramp elements.”

Elements by any Other Name: Unspecified Elements
Unspecified elements may be either intentionally added, or unintentionally find their way into the melt as component of the raw materials or process. Intentionally added (in controlled amounts) unspecified elements can include deoxidizers, grain refiners or deliberate, modest additions of other elements to enhance or develop properties. Silicon is an unspecified element (not listed in Table 1 of ASTM A29) as an ingredient but can be added in ranges: 0.10% max; 0.10%-0.20%; 0.15%-0.35%; 0.20%-0.40% or 0.30% to 0.60% (per footnote B). Sometimes the amount of chromium added to a medium carbon, plain carbon steel is increased just to ensure achievement of a minimum hardenability or mechanical property for the customer.
Unspecified elements that are not intentionally added may be called residual elements or trace elements. Residual elements are picked up from either initial raw materials (in the scrap, ores or fluxes) or can be absorbed by the melt from refractories. In electric furnace steels, copper is a prime example. Copper is contained in small quantities in the scrap steel charged into the furnace, showing up as higher quantities in electric furnace melt steels compared to basic oxygen steels, which have a limited scrap charge. However, the electric furnace shop can add quantities of direct reduced iron (DRI) to reduce the level of residuals in the steel by dilution. Occasionally, copper can be specified as a 0.20% minimum.
Trace element is the designation given to residual elements that appear in very low concentrations — less than 0.01% by weight.
According to the Steel Bar Product Manual, Iron and Steel Society, 1994, “Certain elements are present in small quantities in most steels. They are not intentionally added but have been retained from the raw materials used during production of the steel. These elements are considered incidental or residual as long as they do not exceed certain
maximum limits.”

What’s Left?
Sometimes, a test report will show a percentage “all others” or “balance.” Typically in steels that value is referring to iron, which makes up the balance of the material.

Zero is a charming artifact of the 20th century, back when there were only three black-and-white TV channels, and when parts-per-million precision required government laboratory levels of equipment and budget. Parts per billion were not even a thought. As analytical methods have advanced, the zero has receded so far that in some commercially common laboratory methods, we can truly “count atoms.” Many chemical elements that are naturally occurring can be found in residual, incidental or trace levels or quantities, given a suitably equipped laboratory and budget. They can be found as well in foods, soils, drinks and packaging, as well as in the metallic and polymeric raw materials we machine in our shops.
The reporting of chemical composition is important, but understanding the levels of the chemical elements in terms of weight percent and specification threshold is critical if we are to avoid overreaction at seeing some trace or incidental value as cause for alarm.





Miles Free III is the PMPA Director of Industry Affairs with over 50 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality and steelmaking. Miles’ podcast is at Email Miles







The reason that PMPA members closely follow the ITR Quarterly Forecast Report is that their process of analysis clarifies and makes patterns clear that the news cycle seems to miss. Everybody seems to know that the economy is terrible, people can’t find work, and sales are down in many sectors. And yet Inflation IS easing, Real Incomes ARE RISING, and Employment is at RECORD HIGHS. In this month’s ITR forecast, we get a guided tour as to which important industry segments are plateauing, which declining, and which are in recession. And why that may be good news- as the data shows that those markets will probably be in recovery in 2025. What is the broader market data forecasting  for the 8 Industries that drive our precision machining shops in 2025? Check out in this month’s PMPA November 2024 Economic Report from ITR Economics.



The Institute for Trend Research (ITR) quarterly reports focus on major areas of economic growth and decline in key market segments for the Precision Machined Products Industry. They are provided to PMPA members as part of the association’s overall business intelligence program and are used as a management tool to help PMPA members plan for what lies ahead and which markets they should focus on in a complex manufacturing environment. 

STATE OF MANUFACTURING – South Carolina Manufacturing

by Joe Jackson

Marketing & Events Assistant, PMPA

Published November 1, 2024

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Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing is a subsector of manufacturing that makes critical goods from metal components.

Precision Turned Products Manufacturing is a subsector of fabricated metal product manufacturing that makes the components that MAKE IT WORK!



South Carolina Manufacturing
NAICS 31-33

Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing

Precision Turned Product Manufacturing
NAICS 332721


Manufacturing Is Productivity –15.1% of South Carolina’s total output (GDP)

Manufacturing Builds Businesses –3,425 manufacturing establishments in the state of South Carolina.

Manufacturing Creates Jobs – 11.71% of all South Carolina’s employees are in the manufacturing sector. (253,000 employees)

Manufacturing produces for South Carolina

  • Manufacturing is the 3rd largest GDP Producer in South Carolina.
  • Manufacturing in South Carolina exported over $29 billion in goods in 2020.

South Carolina is a great place for a career in manufacturing

  • Manufacturing jobs pay on average 33% over the average job in South Carolina. (according to
  • Job sites are currently reporting in excess of 2,800 available manufacturing job openings in South Carolina.


Sources:, US Census,,
Data selected to show relative values. May not be directly comparable due to differences in sampling, analysis, or date obtained.






Joe Jackson

Marketing & Events Assistant, PMPA

Email: gro.apmp@noskcajj — Website:

PMPA Craftsman Cribsheet #133:
Identifying ISO Workpiece Material Groups

Published November 1, 2024

By David Wynn, Technical Services Manager, PMPA

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When you look at a box of inserts, you see a colored coded set of letters and numbers for our feeds and speeds.

What does all this mean? There was a time when I used a book to look up speeds and feeds for a specific material. If I were machining 12L14, there would be a chart for that. If I were machining 4140, there would be a chart for that. ISO material groups are based on the types of material in large groups. The letter “P” represents all steels. It encompasses free-machining steels, carbon steels and alloys. Sometimes martensitic stainless are included in the “P” group. The benefit of grouping is that the materials in the “P” group generally need similar coatings, chipbreakers and clearance angles. When dialing in final feeds and speeds it gets a little more complicated. In general companies use “01” as the designator for re-sulphurized and leaded steels. Then starting at low carbon with “10” moving on from there. Below is a list of six main categories with their color coding.

All manufacturers may use slightly different shades of color, but the general coloring will be the same. When selecting the right tooling for a job, it is important to understand how that selection impacts your end results. Understanding ISO material groups aligns your thinking with how manufacturers are presenting the information. 

In the next couple of months, I will explore each of the six categories and try to find generalized ways to understand the subcategories. Since there is no standardized system for the subcategories, it will be a guide on how to interpret most manufacturers’ representation of the information. Look at box of inserts or the technical sheet for that box. You will start to recognize this system everywhere. With an understanding of the language, you can better grasp the why.






David Wynn

David Wynn, MBA, is the PMPA Technical Services Manager with over 20 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality, ownership, IT and economics. Email: gro.apmp@nnywd — Website:

Keeping It In The Family —
Succession Tips From Those Who Lived It, Part 1

PMPA members share some tips to avoid getting burned when
passing the business torch from one family member to another.

by Carli Kistler-Miller

Director of Programs & Marketing, PMPA

Published November 1, 2024

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Owning a business has its own landmines, but add a family dynamic to it and successions become quite the minefield. Just like with business and family, there is rarely one solution that fits all. But I talked to some PMPA members who were generous enough to share some learned wisdom as they transitioned from one generation to the next.

Communication, Passion and a Plan

I spoke with John Detterbeck, fourth Detterbeck in the industry for Lester Detterbeck Enterprises (LDE) in Iron River, Michigan. His son, Kyle Detterbeck, transitioned to president of LDE. John shared several bits of wisdom from his experience and from witnessing other company’s transitions:

Make sure to have a clear plan and communication of that plan to the entire family. There are instances where some family members who are not involved with the business assume they are owed a piece of the business.
There can’t be two captains on the ship. There needs to be a clear leader and decision-maker.

The heir apparent needs to be passionate about the industry, start on the shop floor and take time to transition and learn every facet of the business.

Support is Essential

I spoke with Travis Donaldson, the second generation for Donmac Precision Machining in Foxboro, Ontario. His parents, Glenn and Joan Donaldson, founded the company in 1989. Travis shared his turmoil as he wrestled with asserting himself as a leader while respecting his parents and the business they built. He admits there were seriously stressful times and considered alternative careers instead of purchasing the business. His passion for precision machining and interest in the well-established business made it a worthy decision to work through the family dynamics. There were legal, financial and emotional challenges necessary for the transition.

Travis and his family found their way with support. As Travis states, “No one does it alone. Never in the history of anything great has a person achieved greatness without the support of others.” With the help of fellow PMPA members, trusted legal professionals, some family counselling and a lot of trust, the Donaldsons have found a balance for a thriving family and family business.





Carli Kistler-Miller, MBA has over 25 years of experience with operations, event/meeting planning, marketing, writing and communications.
Email: gro.apmp@rellimc — Website:

First Aid or Recordable

First aid is not a recordable. Recordables are injuries that
require treatment beyond first aid.’

by Miles Free III

Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Published November 1, 2024

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Does your company treat all first aid incidents as recordables? Do you require that every dispensed bandage or pain reliever be reported to management? Should you? As a former plant manager, I have had to deal with decisions like this. Given our commitment to continuous improvement, it is obvious that we should want to track first aid incidents so that we can address and eliminate their causes.  But that does not mean escalating them to, or treating them as, recordables.

The first thing to do is to recognize that first aid is different from a recordable. Recordable events involve any medical treatment required beyond first aid. Thus, it follows that “mere first aid” is not recordable. If you feel it necessary to have your employees report even first aid incidents to you, that is your discretion. But first aid is not recordable.

How does OSHA define first aid?
First aid refers to medical attention that is usually administered immediately after the injury occurs and at the location where it occurred. It often consists of a one-time, short-term treatment and requires little technology or training to administer. First aid can include cleaning minor cuts, scrapes, or scratches; treating a minor burn; applying bandages and dressings; the use of non-prescription medicine; draining blisters; removing debris from the eyes; massage; and drinking fluids to relieve heat stress. OSHA’s revised recordkeeping rule, which went into effect January 1, 2002, does not require first aid cases to be documented (

OSHA has posted a First Aid List on its recordkeeping page (

  • Using a non-prescription medication at non-prescription strength (for medications available in both prescription and non-prescription form, a recommendation by a physician or other licensed health care professional to use a non-prescription medication at prescription strength is considered medical treatment for recordkeeping purposes);
  • Administering tetanus immunizations (other immunizations, such as Hepatitis B vaccine or rabies vaccine, are considered medical treatment);
  • Cleaning, flushing or soaking wounds on the surface of the skin;
  • Using wound coverings such as bandages, band-aids, gauze pads and so on; or using butterfly bandages or Steri-Strips (other wound closing devices such as sutures, staples and so on are considered medical treatment);
  • Using hot or cold therapy;
  • Using any non-rigid means of support, such as elastic bandages, wraps, non-rigid back belts and so on (devices with rigid stays or other systems designed to immobilize parts of the body are considered medical treatment for recordkeeping purposes);
  • Using temporary immobilization devices while transporting an accident victim (e.g., splints, slings, neck collars, back boards and so on);
  • Drilling of a fingernail or toenail to relieve pressure, or draining fluid from a blister;
  • Using eye patches;
  • Removing foreign bodies from the eye using only irrigation or a cotton swab;
  • Removing splinters or foreign material from areas other than the eye by irrigation, tweezers, cotton swabs or other simple means;
  • Using finger guards;
  • Using massages (physical therapy or chiropractic treatment are considered medical treatment for recordkeeping purposes); or
  • Drinking fluids for relief of heat stress.

These are classified as first aid by OSHA, and so they are not recordable. If they do not need to be recorded, why do you need them to be reported? You have the authority and discretion to insist that any and all such incidents be reported to management. Or not.

How does OSHA define a recordable injury or illness?

  • Any work-related fatality;
  • Any work-related injury or illness that results in loss of consciousness, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job;
  • Any work-related injury or illness requiring medical treatment beyond first aid;
  • Any work-related diagnosed case of cancer, chronic irreversible diseases, fractured or cracked bones or teeth and punctured eardrums;
  • There are also special recording criteria for work-related cases involving: needlesticks and sharps injuries, medical removal, hearing loss and tuberculosis.

A good rule to use — and I used this when I was plant manager at a steel mill —  is if the application of the first aid required another person to provide it, management needs to be informed as soon as possible. The reasoning is that if it was so serious that it required assistance, management had a duty to know. And, to ensure that blood-borne safety protocols, washing and cleaning are taken to protect the person providing assistance as well as the person needing first aid. It also helps management help the team find and eliminate the root causes for the need for first aid in the
first place.

So as long as you and your team are able to distinguish between first aid versus more serious recordables, I think that we can all, in good conscience, relax the “report every bandage or pain reliever dispensed” requirement. Let’s focus on the significant few, not the trivial many.





Miles Free III is the PMPA Director of Industry Affairs with over 50 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality and steelmaking. Miles’ podcast is at Email Miles


PMPA Craftsman Cribsheet #132:
Why You Should Care About Slips, Trips and Falls

Published October 1, 2024

By David Wynn, Technical Services Manager, PMPA

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Slips, trips and falls cause nearly 700 fatalities per year and many more serious injuries, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. OSHA maintains regulations on walking and working surfaces for general industry in 29 CFR 1910.22-30 ( Slips, trips and falls are becoming an increasingly cited regulation. Let’s look at how to recognize these hazards.

Watch out for round objects. In our industry, we work with round bars every day. Leaving rolling objects on the floor is an accident waiting to happen. We often use floor dollies to move those bars around. Make sure the carts are returned to their proper place because nobody wants to step on a dolly and go sliding down the aisle. Do not just flip the dollies over. The cart has been stopped from rolling, but now the wheels become a tripping hazard.

Clean up fluid spills promptly. We have cutting oils, cutting coolants, lubricants, grease and the list continues. All of these become a serious hazard on walkways. Most shops have slick concrete floors for easy cleaning. Slick floors become even more slick when covered in fluids. Be mindful of spills and problem areas. Having available wet floor signs is a terrific way to alert operators to the problem. Also, if there is a machine that regularly leaks, put preventative absorbent mats down. This is a temporary solution until the root cause can be addressed.

Cords, cords and more cords. We deal with many types of cords. Airlines, extension cords, data cables and more become a hazard when in pathways. It is always best to route cords around pathways, but when that is not possible, take preventative measures to ensure safety. Use cable ramps to secure cords while still providing safe clearly marked transitions. If cable ramps are not available, secure the cords with a medium like tape or safety mat. Creating smooth visible transitions is key to reducing the hazard. Hanging cords can be a problem too. Bundling all the cords in one group is best. Elevating them away from accessible areas reduces the hazard.

Keep aisleways clear. Aisles need to be clear for safety reasons. Having trip hazards in a fire, for instance, is dangerous. Keep chip trays, pans of parts, carts and toolboxes out of aisles. Use visual management like painted lines or tape to identify aisles. When aisles are clearly marked, everyone can see if there is a problem.

Make sure the lighting is appropriate. Good lighting is something we often take for granted. We flip the switch, and there is light. Be sure to assess multiple colors and forms of light to see what works best. Daylight LEDs are an easy way to provide good lighting at efficient costs. Take a tour through your shop. Do you see hazards? The list above is not comprehensive. It does provide a starting point to make hazards visible. The first key to safety is recognizing the hazard. Once recognized, we can create solutions to eliminate them.







David Wynn

David Wynn, MBA, is the PMPA Technical Services Manager with over 20 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality, ownership, IT and economics. Email: gro.apmp@nnywd — Website:

Do You Have Single Points of Failure?

Plans need to be in place before a catastrophic event occurs.

by David Wynn

Director of Technical Services, PMPA

Published October 1, 2024

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The CrowdStrike event showed how having a single point of failure (in this case, a coding mistake) can have cascading effects. Services of companies worldwide were halted until issues could be resolved. We are in no-fail industries, so it begs the question … Do you have single points of failure in your shop?

Failure can come in many forms. Production can stop in a shop due to running out of coolant, lost tools or late arrival of raw materials. All these are failures that affect one job or one machine that can be remedied. We can always try alternate tooling. Jobs can be moved to another machine. Parts could even be made from larger diameter material for expedited production. They are not catastrophic single points of failure because contingencies are already in place. At the very least, solutions can be found quickly.
However, an event that takes days, weeks or longer to recover from is considered catastrophic. Solutions may not be readily apparent, so when catastrophic events occur, plans need to already be in place; plans that were communicated to all parties involved to get mission-critical processes moving.

Power Outages
Power outages can stop production. Do you have alternate sources of power in case of emergency? Companies use battery backup on electronics all the time. Have you ever thought about using them on a machine? A small power outage for just a few minutes can interrupt production across a shop. The air compressor needs to be restarted. All the machines and bar loaders must be reset. If machines were in the cut, they must be carefully backed out and restarted. There might even be scrap associated with the outage, because a machine was in the middle of an operation that can’t easily be restarted — I am thinking of threading. Who is responsible for restarting the shop during a power outage? Is there a procedure? What happens if this outage continues for days or weeks? I know of a member shop whose area was devastated by a tornado. They were first told that the power would be out for a month. Fortunately, this shop already had a plan in place to rent a large generator from a local electrician. Luckily, power was restored within a week, but what would have happened if they did not have a plan?

Our equipment can fall into this category as well. Think about having only one of a top-of-the-line Swiss machine running critical parts. What happens when that machine is down? Parts cannot be shipped to the customer because of this single point of failure. Having at least two of every machine is the best solution; however that is not always economically feasible. At least have an alternate process to produce parts until the machine can be repaired. It is better to make production doing three operations than to fail our customers. It is important to have contingencies on all aspects of producing parts down to having alternate outside vendors. What if a plater has a massive fire? Are there other vendors pre-production approval processed and ready to fill the void?

Physical Plant
A shop could be a single point of failure in and of itself. Are there backup plans to serve customers if a catastrophic event destroys the building and equipment? For instance, a tornado, hurricane or earthquake could prevent a shop from operating for months. How will the customers be served during this time? Do you have backup suppliers that can fill the void until production is up and running?
Planning for disaster is important. Hopefully, we never have to use the plans. If there are no plans for disaster, high-pressure scenarios can result in fatal failure. Build plans around the worst-case scenarios. Know what to do when an event happens. Building out disaster plans gets to the root of what our FMEA process should look like. Go out and build real FMEAs that have actionable solutions.



David Wynn is the PMPA Director of Technical Services with over 20 years of experience in the areas of manufacturing, quality, ownership, IT and economics. Email David