July 2019  |  Craftsman’s Cribsheet #78

The straightness of cold finished steel bars, and all other barstock for our machines, is of critical importance. The controlling standard is ASTM A 108, Table A1.4. However, the standard errs in claiming the tolerances are measured by placing the bars on a level table and the depth of the arc then measured with a feeler gage and straight edge. While that will give a value for the maximum departure from straightness, it does not actually describe the true geometric relationship.





April 2019  |  Craftsman’s Cribsheet #76

An accident is an unplanned occurrence in a production setting where a person is injured. An incident without injury is what many people call a “near-miss.” Your employer should have an emergency plan to deal with accidents and injuries in your shop. The following list is a refresher in the event that you can’t find your employer’s plan and you encounter an accident involving a coworker.