2014AprilSent copyThe PMPA Business Trends Index for April 2014 fell 6 points from 129 to 123, up two points over April 2013 and 4 points over April 2012. Number of respondents for April is 79- participation is improving from our move to our new online system.
The sales index for the first four months is a positive indicator for the year.
The April 2014 PMPA Business Trends Report shows some pullback from our strong levels of performance in the first quarter of 2014. Softening in expectations for lead times and profitability may be reflecting order books which are “just OK.” While we show positive levels of hours worked, shipments, overtime and profitability, each of these indicators has softened to a less bullish level than in the first quarter. Our indicators suggest perhaps moderation in demand for our products in the months ahead.
First four months of 2014 are up 1 point over first four months of 2012; remember 2012 was our strongest first four months since the recession. Our industry has shown solid sales so far in 2014.
2014April BT
Sentiment for Net Sales and Employment has leveled off in April 2014, while indicators for both Lead Time and Projected Profitability fell. 

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