KEYNOTE LUNCH  |  Mark Mayfield  |  Sunday 12:00p-1:30p  |  Ballroom

BLOCK 1 |  Sunday 1:45-3:15p


Cortney Ortner, Absolute Machine Tools

Mastery Track

A cobot is a robot designed to assist employees, not replace them. Learn how cobots benefit precision machining shops. A cobot is scheduled to be in the room for attendees to try!

ROOM: Champion Screw Machine

Brett May, BME, Inc.

Mastery Track

Improve the understanding of cam layouts, tooling opportunities and synergies of combined operations by your attendees to give them valuable and actionable insights into improving profitability by getting to “yes” on quotes for your high-volume, high-demand, customers.

ROOM: Production Machining

John Wiley, Qualichem, Inc.

Fundamentals Track

Metalworking fluids are an important factor in your shops production operations. Understanding the differences between Coolants and oils, as well as the importance of factors such as filtration, viscosity will be explained. Choosing fluids to assure suitability for various materials and processes will give practical tips for best results.

ROOM: M&M Quality Grinding 

This roundtable session will discuss the challenges of a specific Swiss part and the many ways to consider those challenges from both an engineering and operator standpoint.

BLOCK 2   |  Sunday 3:30p – 5:00p


Rich Henning, Henning Industrial Software, Inc.

Fundamentals Track

You can have all the data in the world, but it’s useless if you’re unable to make decisions that can have a measurable impact from it. In this session, we will review different data capture techniques to collect departmental data. We will then review ways to turn this raw data into actionable information to support continuous operational improvement.


ROOM: Champion Screw Machine

Aneesa Muthana, M&M Quality Grinding

Ed Garber, Star CNC Machine Tool Corp    Rick Bauer, Edge Technologies

Administrative Track

Barstock and Machine Tool Attributes to Optimize Swiss Process.

ROOM: Production Machining

Jeff Bell, Precision Finishing, Inc.

Fundamentals Track

Deburring, improving surface texture, even dimensional control often require a final value added step on the most challenging parts that we produce., Jeff Bell will walk us through the various aspects of mass finishing, giving us an understanding of types of process, media, and other factors employed to achieve our customer’s most demanding requirements..

ROOM:M&M Quality Grinding 

This roundtable session will discuss the challenges of a specific Cam part that uses 6-8 spindles and the many ways to consider those challenges from both an engineering and operator standpoint.

Welcome Reception | Sunday 5:00p-6:15p  | Ballroom

  Buffett Breakfast  | Monday 7:30a-8:30a  |  Ballroom

BLOCK 3   |  Monday 8:45a – 10:15a


Bill Cox, Cox Manufacturing Company

Robin Rutschilling, Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc. 

Administrative Track

Gone are the days of needing laborers or ‘warm bodies’ in our precision machining shops. In this session, Bill Berrien and Robin Rutschilling will explain how they have reframed the workforce issue to talent – and making a career in manufacturing appeal to young talent. Come hear their proven ideas for training and retaining the talent that drives our shop’s success- regardless of generation.



ROOM: Champion Screw Machine

John Kiffner, GWS Tool Group

Clive Komlenic, Mikron Tool Corp

Fundamentals Track

Session Desc.

ROOM: Production Machining

John Reis, Star CNC Machine Tool Corp

Giovanni Lucas, Star CNC Machine Tool Corp

Mastery Track

Simplify your operator’s and engineer’s jobs by using macros.

ROOM:M&M Quality Grinding 

Lisa Carrothers, H&R Screw Machine Products, Inc. 

Michael DeVoss,Marcegaglia Stainless Long Products

Johnny Freeze, GWS Tool Group

Ron Herrera, Erie Specialty Products, Inc.

Ray Schnell, Valbruna Stainless, Inc.

Dan Wilson, New Dimension Metals Corp.

Justin Zak, Corey Steel Company

Fundamentals Track

Learn to reduce risk of bad parts, complicated setups, time spent on checking/gaging and simplify the quality process. Rethink tooling and make the process work for you.

BLOCK 4   |  Monday 10:30a – 12:00p


Kevin Johnson, FISCHER Special Tooling Corporation

Peter Stechow, FISCHER Special Tooling Corporation 

Mastery Track

Shop resources are scarce and cost must absolutely be minimized. However challenging combinations of geometries, features, and difficult to machine materials often demand a custom tooling solution if our shop is to quote competitively. This session will help you reframe your thinking on custom tooling from “expensive luxury” to “competitive advantage” by learning more about the tooling, coatings and possibilities now available.


ROOM: Champion Screw Machine

Mike Petrusch, Cox Manufacturing Company

Administrative Track

Lights out manufacturing is a
misnomer- but lightly attended
machining is a proven way to increase production, profitability, and reduce lead times. Join Mike Petrusch to learn current best practices for lightly
attended machining that you can apply in your operations.

ROOM: Production Machining

Mark Foster, Applied Geometrics, Inc.

Fundamentals Track

This session will cover datums and datum simulators. It will also cover examples of all of the functional
symbols (Flatness, Straightness,
Circularity, Cylindricity, Parallelism, Perpendicularity, Angularity, Circular Runout, Total Runout, Profile of a Line, Profile of a Surface, and Position.

ROOM: M&M Quality Grinding 

This roundtable session will discuss the challenges of a specific CNC Multi-Function part and the many ways to consider those challenges from both an engineering and operator standpoint.

AWARDS LUNCH | Monday 12:15p-1:30p  |  Ballroom

BLOCK 5   |  Monday 1:45p – 3:15p


Derek Briggs, Tsugami America

Mastery Track

This session will focus on fundamentals of Swiss type machining, the capabilities that set Swiss apart from standard lathes, and common misunderstandings when transitioning from standard lathe machining to Swiss machining.


ROOM: Champion Screw Machine

Bridget Casey, Bracalente Manufacturing Group

Stephanie Doerfert, Mantel Machine Products

Missy Gedridge, EMC Precision

Joseph Raker, GWS Tool Group

Dave Seabrook, Micron Manufacturing Company

David Wynn, PMPA

Fundamentals Track

The PMPA Information Technology Commit­tee will be discussing  technolo­gy solutions such as various CAD software’s, safety suites, password management tools, shop productiv­ity tools, shop simplification technology, communi­cation tools, Higher Logic, lean software and more!

ROOM: Production Machining

Mark Foster, Applied Geometrics, Inc.

Mastery Track

This session is focused on advanced principles which include Maximum
Material Boundary (MMB), Actual
Mating Envelope (AME), Best Fit, and Datum Shift.

ROOM: M&M Quality Grinding 

This roundtable session will discuss the challenges of a specific 5-spindle Cam part and the many ways to consider those challenges from both an engineering and operator standpoint.

BLOCK 6   |  Monday 3:30p – 5:00p   


Derek Briggs, Tsugami America

Mastery Track

This session will focus on multi-path control capabilities (composite, superimposition, and synchronization controls) and the utilization of these functions to increase productivity and reduce cycle times.


ROOM: Champion Screw Machine

Aneesa Muthana, Pioneer Service Inc.

Dan Ignasiak, SEPCO-Erie 

Michael Tamasi, AccuRounds

Administrative Track

Panelists discuss progress in the last year and plans for the future.


ROOM: Production Machining

Brad Eichman, Gray Defined Engineering

Johnny Freeze, GWS Tool Group

Mastery Track

Become more efficient with your cam machines. In this session you will learn how to develop the machine set-up, stock-up/stock-depletion, tooling, & overall processing of your product from a cam machine prospective. Produce more in the same amount of time by optimizing the Beautiful & Un-replaceable Cam Machines! 

ROOM: M&M Quality Grinding 

Solve puzzles and find the clues while working with others from your industry!

RECEPTION | Monday 5:00-6:15p  | Ballroom

WOMEN OF PMPA DINNER  Monday 6:30p  |  TBD


BREAKFAST  Tueday 7:00-8:00a  | Ballroom

BLOCK 7   |  Tuesday 8:15a – 9:15a   


Miles Free III, PMPA

Fundamentals Track

This session will look at some of but not all of the foundational ‘facts and knowledge’ that are the basis for our success- but often ignored- in our operations. Why are barstock tolerances always negative? What does the choice of certain materials mean to the operator, to profitability? Is straightness arithmetic or geometric, and why does it matter? Learn about the underlying- and unconsidered- truths shaping our industry and your day at work. Employ your new understanding to improve profitability and reduce waste.


ROOM: Champion Screw Machine

Matt Dowell, Precision Plus, Inc.

Mastery Track

Different 3D printing technologies will be discussed at a high level overview, and we’ll show how their use can complement (not replace!) the precision components we make on a daily basis. We’ll talk about which technologies you should contract out as well which ones you can easily bring into your factory. From there we will dive deep into the technicalities of the FDM and SLA processes such as selecting your first machine, material options, preparing for a print, and post-processing of the printed parts.

ROOM:Production Machining Room

Elizabeth Niedringhuas, SSE, Inc.

Administrative Track

Is Your Business Compliant with NIST 800-171 and Ready for CMMC Implementation? Protect Your Business and Keep (and Grow) DoD Manufacturing $!! DoD contractors are running out of time to plan and prepare for the implementation of CMMC requirements in 2023. In addition, the DoD is stepping up its efforts to verify compliance with existing NIST 800-171 requirements NOW.


BLOCK 8   |  Tuesday 10:00a – 11:30a


Miles Free III, PMPA

Mastery Track

Back by popular demand! Creating Chips is an essential step in producing first-pass quality parts. In this session you will be challenged to reexamine your machining practice- and what you think you know- by learning to see and understand what the chips that you make are telling you about your process. Attendees will leave with a richer vocabulary of chip types, conditions, and how to apply this to their work in the shop.


ROOM: Champion Screw Machine

Brandon Buckhout, R.F. Mau

John Habe IV, Metal Seal Precision

John Pollihan, Component Bar

Administrative Track

This session will review the rotary transfer machining basics. It will help to identify what makes a good rotary transfer part with examples processed using CNC and traditional rotary transfer machines..

ROOM: Production Machining Room

Dan O’Brein, Fisher Phillips LLP

Administrative Track

Dan O’Brien from Fisher Phillips will give attendees actionable understanding so they can reduce risks from OSHA in the coming year, what triggers an OSHA inspection and what targets will OSHA focus on in 2023? What should you already have prepared BEFORE OSHA arrives? Also, how to handle the OSHA visit – Manage the initial contact, what to expect and how to get best results from opening conference and control the inspection. How to handle post-inspection matters. Optimizing every step of the OSHA “transaction” is the best way to minimize risk and avoid having to optimize a settlement during unneeded and expensive litigation.