If college was your first plan, but now it’s not, you need an alternative plan. The difference between low wages and a good paying career is having a plan.
“People who get the best options, the best money, the best jobs- have a plan. What’s your plan, if the college plan doesn’t come through?”

  • Hundreds of jobs in your hometown that employers want to see filled with local talent.
  • The best possible job for you should match your skills and your interests
  • Careers with a future
  • Let you grow you pay quickly based on your performance

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjKKUXlwvw4&w=560&h=315]
Here are  3 career planning options that give you “Home Field Advantage” discussed in the video.
Alternate Career Plan #1 Direct to Work
Alternate Career Plan #2 Apprenticeship
Alternate Career Plan #3 Military Service
Thanks to PMPA Member  Company Vanamatic Company and Ohio Means Jobs for the video and wise career counsel.

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