Our shops pride themselves on using their technology to produce parts just-in-time. But there can be found in all of our shops some A,B,C,D Technology that is there for us just-in-case…
Guest post by James Pryor, ASH,Inc.
What DOES A,B,C.D  have to do with making parts?  The answer is Fire Extinguishers and the general principles of fire extinguisher use. In our world of production, that red bottle hanging on a post does not command a lot of attention.

Hanging up, not on the floor. Inspected too.

Do your folks  even know how to use it? Has anyone ever done it for practice or training or demonstration purposes?
If not, how would they know?
OSHA 29 CFR 1910. 157(g)(2): Where the employer has provided portable fire extinguishers for employee use in the workplace, the employer shall also provide an educational program to familiarize employees with the general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient stage fire fighting.”
 An educational program in part means training your employees in the location and use of the fire extinguishers. In fact this training is required upon initial hiring and annually. Like all OSHA Training requirements, the training needs to be documented.
 Key elements to be covered in your training:

  1. Establish a written fire safety policy
  2. Mount, locate and identify the fire extinguishers and make them readily accessible
  3. Use only approved fire extinguishers for your areas
  4. Review the classes of fires
  5. Review the locations of the fire extinguishers
  6. Review the mechanics of the fire extinguisher
  7. Demonstrate the safe use of the fire extinguisher
  8. Review what to do in case of fire

 No one is ever really prepared for a workplace fire- but annual training on the tools available is a key your people being able to safely deal with the situation. And perhaps to save lives. 
Fire Extinguisher 101 for training info.

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