Business Trends
Where do you get your reality check? Your shop’s sales were up 5% last month. How do you know what that really means? What if the industry’s sales were up 9%? What if the industry sales were actually down 2%?
PMPA Business Trends gives you a monthly look at your shop, and compares it to your industry peers, as it gives you a glimpse of the future. The PMPA Business Trends Index has been shown to correlate closely to end of year sales. In May of 2018, we forecast that industry sales, as shown by the index, would finish up 8% for the year. The final numbers came in at up 7.2%, a remarkably close estimate. So our Business Trends Report provides business intelligence about your future sales as well.
Surveys (Holiday Time Off)
Institute for Trends Research (ITR)
The Institute for Trend Research (ITR) quarterly reports focus on major areas of economic growth and decline in key market segments for the Precision Machined Products Industry. They are provided to PMPA members as part of the association’s overall business intelligence program and are used as a management tool to help PMPA members plan for what lies ahead and which markets they should focus on in a complex manufacturing environment.