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Over 70 years working the forge.

“It’s a wonderful craft, the king of trades, really.”

We’ve come a long way in our shops from the days of the blacksmith, but Hardy Fred Harriss explains the love all of us as craftsmen have for our Craft.



What is your “love of craft story/ How did you get interested in precision machining?

1 thought on “Love of Craft- Britain’s Oldest Blacksmith

  1. Matt says:

    Hard to believe he does not wear any eye protection. He is outright lucky to still have both eyes.

    But I am truly glad he has no injuries from his trade. I personally resisted safety glasses for a long time, but fortunately, I listened and started wearing protection before anything happened.

    As a machinist, I have chips flying off in many directions all the time.
    I am sure he is a great craftsman. Continued success to him.

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