21 PMPA member shops across the country took part in MFG Day 2013.

Here are some photos and some lessons learned:


Lesson 1: Pride of Job. The hosts at the various shops were obviously proud of the work that they do and the equipment that they use.

2013 National Manufacturing Day 018

Lesson 2: People doing the work connected with the attendees. In nearly every case hosts-  guides, speakers and demonstrators- were the actual workers on the machines.


Lesson 3: Connection and interest existed in attendees.


Lesson 4: Manufacturing is an area worthy of career consideration. ask the hundreds of attendees to PMPA member  shops hosting MFG. Day Events.

Manufacturing Day participation by PMPA member companies helped to change the perception of Manufacturing in the minds of  attendees- some of whom we will employ as our future workforce.
And in their communities.

Next year, we hope that you can open your shop to the local community and potential workforce as part of MFG Day 2014. Our 2013 experience tells us that you’ll be glad that you did.

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