7 Options for Managing a Partially Vaccinated Workforce

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Now that most states, the CDC, and OSHA have (or may soon) lift mask mandates for vaccinated workers, what is an employer to do about revealing an employee’s vaccination status? Under any relaxed masking guidance applicable to those who are fully vaccinated, customers, visitors, and coworkers are likely to draw their own conclusions about the vaccination status of everyone else in the workplace based upon whether or not they are wearing a mask. This Insight addresses some of the legal and practical considerations for employers dealing with a partially vaccinated workforce and provides seven options for you to consider as you navigate this rapidly evolving area.




 PMPA Business Trends April 2021 


Our PMPA Business Trends performance and sentiment indicators this month justify our continued optimism about the markets and employment prospects for our precision machining industry in 2021. The numbers reflect both a current and continued positive reality for our precision machining shops. Our estimate for the average sales at the end of the year is positive and above the levels we saw in 2018 and 2019, Prior to COVID-19.





FP Flash Survey Reveals That Most Employers Continue to Refrain From Mandating COVID-19 Vaccine But Vast Majority Encouraging It


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It appears an overwhelming number of employers are not mandating their employees receive the COVID-19 vaccine – more than four in five – but are instead encouraging their workforce to get inoculated from the virus. That’s according to a survey conducted by Fisher Phillips, with over 600 respondents providing their thoughts between May 14-19. The most recent survey –  which follows a similar survey the firm conducted in January 2021  – sheds light on the rationale behind these business decisions and reveals some shifting attitudes on this topic over the last few months.