Released January 18, 2021
It’s finally 2021! Miles Free and Carli Kistler-Miller go over some new goals and new ideas for our shops going forward as we venture into uncharted territories this year.
Year: 2021
Released January 18, 2021
It’s finally 2021! Miles Free and Carli Kistler-Miller go over some new goals and new ideas for our shops going forward as we venture into uncharted territories this year.
Released January 11, 2021
Miles Free puts PMPA’s Executive Director Cate Smith in the interviewee chair to talk about her journey to becoming PMPA’s Executive Director, her takeaways from her first year on the job and some of her thoughts on 2021.
With 75 companies responding, the PMPA Business Trends Index for November came in at 125 – this is two points (1.6%) over November 2019’s 123 value. It is down 6 points (4.5%) from October 2020. While the rate of growth slowed, it remains positive. The index is five points above the November 5-year average of 120.2.
All sentiment indicators were positive, with Employment and Profitability outlook notably improved. Our precision machining shops- and our talented performers- continue to play a positive and essential role in the economic recovery.
Released January 4, 2021
Miles Free & Carli Kistler-Miller dive into standard work, its practices and why improvement in this critical area can be beneficial to all facets of your shop.
January 2021
Craftsman’s Cribsheet #93
Cribsheet provided by PMPA member, Pioneer Service, Inc. in Addison, Illinois
There are several surface finishing techniques that “remove or reshape the surface layer” of a precision machined component. These finishing techniques can be applied to a wide variety of materials, and provide increased durability, tighter tolerances, better aesthetics and improved functionality for many applications.
Published January 2021
By Miles Free III
The pros and cons of cold work, work-hardening.
Bar straightness tolerance varies by diameter, grade, and thermal treatment. The determination of compliance of a bar’s straightness to the applicable standard is an easily solved geometry problem. The formula for determining max allowable deviation of straightness for each tolerance class is given above each column on the first page.
The applicable standard requirements are on the second page, taken originally from ASTM A29 Table A1.24 which has now been replaced by ASTM A 108 Table A 1.4. ASTM A 108 Table A1.4 is identical to the material shown in the attached document.
Published March 2021.
By Miles Free III
What data drives your shop? An unexpected look at the kinds of data that you ought to be using to make your shop the most competitive and sustainable that it can. Spoiler alert — no new sensors or IT technologies required to get the payback from these data tools.
Published January 2021.
By Miles Free III
What data drives your shop? An unexpected look at the kinds of data that you
ought to be using to make your shop the most competitive and sustainable that
it can. Spoiler alert — no new sensors or IT technologies required to get the
payback from these data tools.