What Employers Need To Know About Biden’s American Rescue Plan


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After several weeks of tense negotiations and legislative twists and turns, President Biden’s latest COVID-19 stimulus package – the
American Rescue Plan – has been passed by Congress and will become law once the president signs it into effect this Friday. The
measure provides $1.9 trillion in economic relief, with many of the specific items directly affecting employers. What do businesses need
to know about this finalized legislation?



Employers Should Exhibit Patience In Easing COVID-19 Restrictions Despite CDC’s New Guidelines On Fully Vaccinated Employees


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While many might be celebrating the first set of public health recommendations that permit relaxed safety standards for fully
vaccinated people, employers should not be automatically changing their current safety practices as a result. The new guidance issued today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may allow fully vaccinated people to shed their masks and ignore physical distancing limits when gathering indoors with other fully vaccinated people, among other things, but impending federal safety standards and a patchwork of state-level restrictions means that you should exercise patience before modifying workplace standards. What do you need to know about today’s new guidance?



Combining In-Machine Part and Tool Sensors to Improve Quality and Uptime

Joel Rutzen from SPC Innovations, Inc.


Joel Rutzen of SPC Innovations Inc. will introduce their new Detector ETC modular system for real-time part inspection and broken tool detection.  Detector is the industry standard for in-machine inspection and broken tool detection, but each system previously had separate controls and interfaces. With a leaner workforce and shorter runs, the need has grown for interface standardization and changeover flexibility. The ETC system builds on the proven effectiveness of the existing Detector line of gauges while adding electronic broken tool monitoring capability in one simple display.  The new modular design, allows gauges and probes to be added or moved from machine to machine with minimal additional setup costs.  Joel will give a demonstration of the ETC system and system integration.  He will also explain what is required to upgrade a machine that is currently using Detector gauging products.



On-the-Job Training (OJT)


The On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program assists employers with the cost of hiring and training a new employee. It is funded through the federal Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and administered through the MassHire Career Centers in Massachusetts.

The OJT Program enables employers to hire new employees and train them at their place of business while being reimbursed a percentage of the new employee’s wages during training.


On-the-Job Training (OJT)

Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium


The Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (NAMC) started as an initiative among four workforce investment board directors to form a partnership among industry, academia, and workforce development established to promote sustained support for manufacturing within the Northeast of Massachusetts. Northeast manufacturers are world-class companies that are an essential part of the state’s innovation economy. Manufacturing has a legacy in the Northeast of Massachusetts and we seek to advocate for a thriving advanced manufacturing industry. We have brought together a coalition of private and public entities to leverage funding and develop programming to meet our goals. NAMC also supports youth outreach to create interest in manufacturing careers and the development of training programming.


NAMC works to develop the regional workforce pipeline that will provide the skilled employees necessary for advanced manufacturing to remain globally competitive, long into the future. To this end, the consortium leverages a wealth of local, state, and national resources, which include:

  • A diverse and motivated talent pool from world-class universities, community colleges, and vocational technical schools

  • Identify well-defined entry points and career pathways at manufacturing companies

  • Support the development of certificate programs at community colleges and vocational technical schools

  • Promote STEM, AMP it Up!, and other programs to attract top students into the training pipeline

  • Develop advanced manufacturing occupational training programs

  • Partner with companies to create and provide funding assistance for Registered Apprenticeships






The consortium provides a forum for employers, educators, MassHire Workforce Boards of Region 6 & 7, and other key stakeholders, to communicate needs and coordinate planning to cultivate a skilled labor pool of manufacturing professionals that meet the needs of our regional employers.


Partners include manufacturerseducational leaders, technical training providersindustry association representatives, workforce development board representatives and professionals, and other stakeholders.


PMPA Business Trends January 2021


“Our performance and sentiment indicators this month justify our optimism about the markets and employment prospects for our precision machining industry in 2021. The positive five- month trend of steady operations in our Sales index can only accelerate as our broader economy opens up and consumers spend their newfound savings. Pay attention to the numbers, and not the pessimists. The numbers reflect both a current positive reality for our precision machining shops and anticipate an even stronger three months ahead.”