Workers’ COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions Might Be Recordable on Your OSHA 300 Logs


Fisher Phillips logo

If an employee has a reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine, do you need to record that illness on your 300 log? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently provided guidance on this issue, one that many employers have been contemplating since the COVID-19 vaccine became available. According to the agency in a series of answers to frequently asked questions, the key issue
in this analysis if whether you are requiring the vaccine or merely encouraging it.



Increasing Productivity by Eliminating Workholding Slippage

Andy Hixon & Drew Meier from Carbinite Metal Coatings


Clamping and gripping various components for machining and fabricating can often be an overlooked variable for improving production and maximizing profits. This webinar will demonstrate how Carbinite Metal Coatings’ textured tungsten-carbide coatings have been proven to increase the coefficient of friction, resulting in greater holding power and allowing you to increase feed rates, optimize production efficiency, and extend tool life. Carbinite coatings adhere to the base metal, creating a metallurgical bond that is guaranteed to not crack, chip, or peel.



CCAT Programs – April 2021


CCAT Programs for CT Manufacturing companies

  • CCAT is facilitating StanleyX’s DEEPHOW pilot projects this year, with cohorts starting again in May, July and October, with FREE access to this AI learning technology tool.  For more information or to apply go to CCAT’s DeepHow Pilot Program  
  • Free, online 180 Skills licenses are available to CT manufacturing companies – and ALL your employees. Flyer attached – new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion course!
    • Over 700+ courses available for CT manufacturing employees. Sign up online or reach out to Eileen to get your whole team registered for this free online learning!


Upcoming Industry 4.0 & Digital Technology Workshops ( And Funding to help you adapt many of the new technologies introduced in these workshops is available: 


    • On-Demand Technical Workshops – Available Anytime
      • Automation & Robotics
      • Additive Manufacturing
      • Internet of Things (IoT)
      • Big Data & Analytics
      • Digital Technologies


Money for Manufacturing Programs – MATCHING GRANT PROGRAMS, flyer attached or Money for Manufacturing to access

o   Connecticut Additive Manufacturing Adoption Program (AMAP) – NEW!

      • $100,000 to help infuse additive manufacturing technologies into your production environment.
        The window for accepting applications will run from April 1 to May 31, 2021.

o   Connecticut Manufacturing Innovation Fund Voucher Program (MVP)

      • $49,000 to conduct a project aimed at improving your manufacturing productivity, efficiency and competitiveness.

        Administered on a first-come first-served basis.

o   Connecticut Manufacturing IoT Integration Voucher Program (IVP)

$20,000 to assist with the implementation of IoT solutions on your manufacturing floor.Administered on a first-come first-served basis.


CCAT 180 Skills with DEI Course Graphic



Retooling the Workforce


Workforce Development is a mission of the Lorain County Manufacturing Sector Partnership.

Who We Are

The Lorain County Manufacturing Sector Partnership (LCMSP) is an employer-led group committed to promoting manufacturing and growing the available workforce in the region for manufacturing companies. The LCMSP is a Working Group of the Lorain County Manufacturing Council, a 501(c)(3) serving manufacturers in Lorain County.

Lorain County Manufacturing Sector Partnership Website


Absolute Machine Tools has a published article in the Spring 2021 issue of Pulse Magazine titled “Retooling the Workforce” and has been working with LCMSPW to continuously improve workforce development in our area.

Retooling the Workforce Article