PMPA/ITR Economics Forecast Report May 2021


According to the most recent economic report from ITR Economics (PMPA’s retained economic forecasters), the economic outlook looks very positive and will remain so moving forward.

The US economy is revving up and will continue to rise.  Leading indicators point to a sustained rise this year, with 2021 coming in stronger than 2020 for the majority of markets.   Although COVID-19 still poses risks, consumers will likely feel safer to venture out to restaurants and to shop, and business and leisure travel will help assist the recovery of the hospitality, airlines and oil markets.

Read the full report below for more detailed information on ITR’s forecast regarding inflation and the global supply chain strain.  Is your business positioned to address the cyclical rise ahead and the record high activity in the industrial sector next year?




The Institute for Trend Research (ITR) quarterly reports focus on major areas of economic growth and decline in key market segments for the Precision Machined Products Industry. They are provided to PMPA members as part of the association’s overall business intelligence program and are used as a management tool to help PMPA members plan for what lies ahead and which markets they should focus on in a complex manufacturing environment. 

Ohio Jumps Aboard CDC’s Masking Guidance for Those Fully Vaccinated: What Businesses Need To Know


Fisher Phillips logo

Following last week’s recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that fully vaccinated people are no longer required to wear a mask or socially distance in most settings, the Ohio Department of Health just issued a new Health Order to conform to the CDC’s guidance. What do Ohio employers – especially retail establishments – need to know about the May
17 Revised Health Order?



Mitigating Risk: Fire Suppression & Insurance

Ryan Ballentine from Firetrace International


This Technical Tuesday Solutions webinar will tackle the three main questions that come up when dealing with mitigation risk as it related to fires in the workplace. Ryan Ballentine, Russ Taylor and Jeff Gagnon will all be on hand to answer how insurance companies view risk mitigation in machine shops, what role fire suppression plays in acceptability and rates, as well as how fires impact rates and the bottom line of machine shops!



WEBINAR: PMPA Michigan Chapter’s Legislative Roundtable


If you missed our discussion of federal, state and local legislative and regulatory issues that affect the daily operations of PMPA members in the State of Michigan by Omar Nashashibi, Founding Partner of The Franklin Partnership, PMPA’s Legislative Affairs then click the button below to see what you missed! 



5-14-21 COVID Update Provided by The Franklin Partnership


Franklin Partnership

As always thank you to The Franklin Partnership as they help us make sense of the issues as the uncertainty our shops are facing continues to grow.

  • CDC and EEOC Testing and Vaccination Requirements
  • CDC Reopening Guidelines
  • Federal Unemployment Insurance Challenges
  • PPP Loan Update
  • Infrastructure Talks Status
  • Tax Increase Timeline
  • Supply Chain Disruptions



Employers May Be Able To Scrap Mask Mandates For Fully Vaccinated Workers: A 7-Step Blueprint to Overcome Risks and Hurdles


Fisher Phillips logo

The announcement yesterday from the CDC that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any non-healthcare setting was a welcome relief for all Americans and a hopeful sign that we have turned a significant corner with the COVID-19 pandemic. But the announcement included an important caveat – that the guidance did not overrule federal law,
workplace guidance, local business restrictions, or state, local, or other similar regulations. And because the CDC’s announcement offered no specific guidance for employers, many workplaces may feel unsure how to proceed. The good news is that the new rules seem to offer a path forward for those employers that want to proceed to a mask-less workplace – but such a path involves some
risks to consider and hurdles to overcome. There’s a seven-step blueprint for employers to get to that point.



Technical Tuesday Webinar Series

Understanding 5-axis Work Offset Transformations

Alex Hanby, ESPRIT CAM


With so many 5-axis work offset transformations available, each having their own advantages, it can be difficult to know which option is better suited to meet your manufacturing needs. This webinar will visually demonstrate how each transformation works, discuss their limitations/strengths, and examine any relative machine parameters that should be considered.



WEBINAR: PMPA Illinois and Wisconsin Chapter’s Legislative Roundtable


If you missed our discussion of federal, state and local legislative and regulatory issues that affect the daily operations of PMPA members in the State of Illinois and Wisconsin by Omar Nashashibi, Founding Partner of The Franklin Partnership, PMPA’s Legislative Affairs then click the button below to see what you missed!